I've Already Got It

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A voice called to me. I felt the darkness slowly going away. Revealing a bit of light.


I opened my eyes. I was in Keith's room with Yuri standing above me with her hand on my shoulder.


"Are you alright? You were moving and kicking in your sleep."

I slowly sat up. "Yeah I'm fine." I rubbed my eyes. "What did I tell you about disturbing me?"


"Yeah. Remember what I told you?"

"Danny, I woke you up to try and help you..."

"Well you didn't. You ruined my perfectly good sleep."

"Are you sure you were sleeping well? It seemed like you were struggling if anything..."

"Are you contradicting me?"


"Are. You. Contradicting. Me."

She put her shoulders back and tried to stand up tall, even though she was five inches shorter than me. She clenched her fists and gave me a stern look.

Ah well, let her make mistakes. She'll face the consequences.

"And what if I am? I'm trying to be good to you, Danny, but you've been very unreasonable."

"I'm unreasonable? Look at you! You're always apologizing for everything, you're such a pushover. I'm just 'unreasonable' because you put yourself in a position where I need to be!"

"Well maybe I wouldn't be so much of 'pushover' if I didn't feel threatened every time you spoke! Honestly, every time you say something, I'm afraid you're gonna hit me!"

I slapped her. "And so what if I do, huh? What if I do? You brought that upon yourself. Don't be saying stupid things, you pathetic fuck! Agh, damn it! How could I be stuck with someone like you?"

She backed down and stayed silent as she held her cheek. Tears soon started to flow out of her eyes. Some made it onto the floor while the others were blocked by her left hand on her cheek.

I started to feel bad. I slowly moved my hand towards her cheek, but she flinched, causing me to flinch also.

"Just let me see it," I said.

I gently grabbed her hand and moved it away. I must've slapped her really hard... her cheek was extremely red.

I could feel myself wanting to cry, but I didn't allow myself to. I just looked at Yuri's red cheek.

"I... I didn't mean to."

"I-It's fine."

"No Yuri, it's not fine. I hit you..."

"I shouldn't have contradicted you. I brought this upon myself."

All the sympathy I had for her...

It disappeared.

"You know what? You're right. This is your fault, not mine."


"Ah well, I'm gonna go make myself a sandwich. You want something?"

"No," she said as she gently shook her head.

"Good. I'll be back in a bit."

I headed downstairs to make myself a sandwich. I grabbed a plate from one of the cabinets and made a sandwich with all the good stuff in the fridge.

After eating it, I put my plate in the sink. Keith could clean it when he got back. As I entered the room, I saw Yuri sitting on the couch with her hand still on her cheek.

It was... dumb. She was rubbing her cheek, unaware of the fact that she was slowly dying.

Ah, but she'll figure that out later. Or maybe I'd go ahead and tell her, I don't know. I guess I'll see what I decide to do later. Gotta follow my gut.

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