[Shopping] (6)

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Narrator's POV

Roni went to her school and saw Somi waiting for her. She waved at Somi with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh hi roni!" Somi greeted

"Hello som! So... Are you excited later?" Roni asked

"Ooo very! I hope at the end of the day, someone will ask you out." Somi replied

"Same here. Oh well, let's talk about this at class" Roni said while signaling Somi to come with her.

"Sure!" Somi said while going to Roni

~time skip~

Veronica's POV

It was finally lunch, and me and Somi are still at the very back eating lunch while talking.

"So... Roni if you would go out with someone who would it be?" Somi asked

"Hmm... Probs Byun Baekhyun from EXO." I said while laughing

"Aww c'mon Ron! Like in the school." Somi said while pouting

"Ah fine. But... He is in a relationship though." I said while looking at my empty lunchbox.

"Oh... Tell me then." Somi said

"He's Jihoon, Park Jihoon to be exact." I said while looking away.

"Wait what? I honestly ship you guys! But he is in a relationship with one of your best friends, Daiyu." Somi said with a sad expression on her face.

Huh? She ships me with Jihoon? I know that a lot of people ships us, but one of my friends shipping me with Jihoon? Woah.

"Sigh... I wish one day he'll be mine." I said with a sad tone.

"He will roni. He liked you before, and probs still likes you even if he is in a relationship." Somi said

Wait what? Is she telling the truth?

"Huh? Did I heard you correctly?" I said

"Yes, you heard me ron. He liked you, but he was too afraid to get rejected by you. And if you are thinking that I'm lying, no I'm not. I'm one of his close friends but he mostly ditched me and his other friends, cause of Daiyu. Honestly... Daiyu doesn't even treat Jihoon well. And I got so disgusted when I heard about them dating. I am so sorry for talking about your best friend like that but... It's true" Somi said with a stern face.

I can't believe it. Somi is actually telling the truth. Ugggghhh I'm so confused and weirded out right now. And it's not even a great timing for her to tell about how Jihoon likes me.

"Woah... That's so weird" I said

"Don't get weirded out about it roni. It's true. And i know that you are feeling confused and weirded out but I'm really saying the truth. Jihoon deserves you not Daiyu. I know we just met yesterday but I know that you are very nice (A/N: AJU NICE! GIBUN GIBUN- okay I'll stop now). Considering all those stories he tells us about how you are so nice. And again I am not lying, and im sorry that I didn't told you any sooner and this is a bad timing to tell how Jihoon feels about you." Somi said while looking down.

Wait what? Jihoon tells stories about me to his friends? Wow... I really didn't know how feels about me.

"I-" Somi cutted me off

"C'mon let's talk about this later" Somi said while grabbing my wrist and walking to class.

~time skip~

(Still on Veronica's POV)

Finally our class ended and I called my mom to let our driver pick me (A/N: PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME U- okay continue reading) and Somi and drive us to the mall.

"I'm so excited for our shopping spree together roni!" Somi said with full of joy.

"Same here som!" I said while laughing at her cuteness.

~time skip~

Narrator's POV

Somi and Veronica are now at the mall. They thanked the driver for taking them to the mall. While they were walking talking about what Somi told Veronica.

"So... What if Jihoon and Daiyu breaks up, and later on Jihoon asks you out. Would you accept it or not?" Somi asked with a questionable look.

Roni stopped from walking and looked at her. It made her shocked on how she can think of these kind of questions, and Roni doesn't even know where Somi got it.

"Hmm... Maybe who knows. And I'm shook how you get these kind of questions. Wait, how did you even get these questions?" Roni asked

Somi just laughed and just shrugged it off.

"Hmm... What shop should we go first?" Somi asked

"Uhm... Anywhere!" Roni replied

They went to some shops to look for dresses, shoes and accessories. They've been in the store for minutes, but they still couldn't find a dress that is eye-catching.

Until, Roni found a beautiful off-shoulder dazzling dress.

"Ooo i like this one som!" Roni said

"I found my dress too!" And showed roni a dazzling mermaid dress. They we're both in 'awe' on both of their dresses. Veronica and Somi tried the dresses.

~time skip~

Veronica's POV

We both payed for our dresses and ate waffles, cause we we're both hungry.

"Hmm... Ron" Somi said

"Hmm?" I replied

"You miss him don't you?" Somi asked

"Huh? Who "him"?" I asked back

Somi let out a sigh and said "Jihoon"

"Hmm... I don't really know. There is a part of me that really misses him and another part that just... Let everything be." I replied while looking down

I suddenly felt Somi hugging me. "Aww ron, it's gonna be alright. He will come back to you, just wait." She said

We both let go of the hug, while looking and smiling at eachother. She was right. I need to be patient and wait. It might be a long time, but you need to have patience.

"And who knows, he might ditch Daiyu for you cause guuuurrrlll you looking good at that dress!" Somi said while laughing

"Probably" I said while laughing with her

~time skip~

(Still at Veronica's POV)

I dropped off Somi at her house cause it's pretty close to mine and her parents are very busy. We we're finally at Somi's house. Wow, it was soo pretty.

I waved goodbye at her and then I'm heading to my house. Like i said it wasn't that far so it was pretty close. I headed out of my car and greeted my mom.

I went straight to my room and cleanse up a bit before dinner gets ready.

~time skip~

I'm done cleansing up and changing my clothes and wow! A perfect timing. It was dinner time! I went downstairs to be greeted by my beautiful mother with our food. We ate together and I insisted to wash the dishes, so that my mom could cleanse up and rest.

After washing the dishes, I went up to my room and quickly went to my bed. I grabbed my phone and just do the typical stuff. Just check social medias and chat with my friends. When I saw the time I turned on my alarm clock on my phone. Then I just layed down my bed and started thinking about what Somi said.

Does he really like me?

Is she really saying the truth?

A/N: Ahhhh! Hello it's vanna (as usual). And i finally made a very long chapter. I know that it's boring and that it sucks but, oh whale. We (j)hope you like the chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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