✔️Chapter 4: "How Long?"

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Hotel Lobby
Tuesday Morning
5:34 AM

Randy's POV:

Don't punch him Randal.

I kept repeating this in my head as Phillip continued to yell at us.

John obviously knew I was close to snapping so being the Superman that he is, he stepped in. "Phil, dude. First, stop screaming and punching people before Randy blows up. And also, take a seat, let's talk about it"

Phil sighed, but calmed down a little and sat in one of the couches in the lobby.

We all sat around him as everyone turned toward me.

The lobby was vacant so nobody would overhear us and also we stayed down here just in case Van came back.

"Phillip......Yes, We have no fucking clue where Savannah is, and it's all your fault. AJ told us you were coming and Van ran. Because she thinks your still the same guy. The same guy who left her. The same guy who abandoned her. The same guy that gave her nightmares that she has had every single day for almost 17 years. She ran because she is afraid of you. And now she's gone. Ask any questions you want, by next time you punch me, I'm gonna swing back." I inform him, never losing eye contact

Phillip sighs and look away before looking at us all. "I have a lot of questions but I'll ask only a few. How long? How long has she been wrestling in WWE? Who trained her? Why is she in a battle with the Authority? How is she? And what has happened?"

"That's more than a few" Nick jokes trying to lighten the mood, but failing.

We all decided to take turns answering.

"She has been wrestling since 2005" Nikki told him

"She's been in WWE since 2015" Brie explained

"She's been trained by many people. The most important ones would be, all of us, Ring of Honor, TNA, CZW, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Steph McMahon, Rock and AJ Styles" Bryan told him, a hint of a smile as he remembers all the times during training

John sighs but with a small smile also "She's in a battle with the Authority because she's Savannah Nicole. The former Raw Womens Champion. The main eventer. The barn wires babe. Queen Of the Cell. Because she is the voice of everything good. Because she is your sister Phil. She wouldn't be your sister if she didn't stir up some drama, make history and mess with the McMahons"

We all chuckled at that, knowing how true it was.

"She's okay. Recently........Something's been on her mind that she won't tell us. She is like everyone. She has her good days, her bad days and her terrible days. She.........She was cutting on her thigh a few years ago, but We and others helped her and she doesn't dare go near a razor unless we are watching her. She doesn't drink, she doesn't smoke, she doesn't do drugs. She doesn't date, she doesn't even flirt. I'm not sure the last time she fucked, been a longggg Time. She is easily distracted now a Days. She is injured, well, she can get concussed easily but she ignores it unless we force her to take time off.  And I've noticed she goes to the doctors a lot but she always comes back the same, and never tells us what happens. She has no piercings, no tattoos. She barley eats sometimes and her self esteem is low but she true she best. That's basically it. Recently at least. If we started from the early 2000's, we would never get finished" I finish my explanation as I watch him take it all in.

I also notice all the others share a look, probably because I revealed more stuff then they knew.

When I'm around Savannah, I sometimes have to monitor her closely for any signs of depression or anxiety.

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