✔️Chapter 16: Who Really Deserves To Be Champion

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Chapter 16: Who Really Deserves To Be Champion

Tuesday Night
SmackDown Live
On Air
In The Ring
Third Person's POV:

Savannah Nicole smiled at the Arizona crowd as she grabbed a mic.

Savannah: In a couple of weeks time I will be facing Charlotte Flair for the SmackDown Women's Championship at Clash Of Champions! It will be The Self-Proclaimed Queen Vs. The Queen Of The Cell, the multi-time Champion! The Revolutionary Diva herself!

The crowd cheered at her words as she tried to stay serious.

Savannah: Ms. Flair thinks she's so amazing just because she's been given opportunity after opportunity when women like Naomi or Becky Lynch have fought to get every inch they've been given! I've worked for 10 years to get where I am, to earn the right to be called The Queen Of The Cell, and Charlotte has just walked right in to my house and she thinks she is the champion?

Savannah laughs and shakes her head, starting to pace slowly.

Savannah: While Charlotte was getting a tan and playing volleyball and driving a Convertible, I was kicking ass, shattering glass ceilings, breaking down barriers and making history all over the damm world! Being called the Revolutionary Diva, isn't just a nickname

Savannah glares at the camera

Savannah: Charlotte, you like to preach about a lot of things you know nothing about! You don't know what it was like to be in those 30 second matches! You don't know what it was like to not even be on the show half the time! You held the Divas Championship once, you were the last Divas Champion, congratulations. You and Sasha and Becky and Bayley you four like to preach how you changed women's wrestling......

Savannah cackles as all amusement leaves her face

Savannah: While you were sitting in the crowds, watching your daddy wrestle, I was earning my nickname, I was becoming the Present and Future of this industry! And now here you sit, a 5 time Champion, using your daddy's name to get you to the top. Do you remember Gail Kim? Do you remember Kaitlyn? Do you remember, AJ Lee, Charlotte Flair?  None of them had any famous daddy's and they became THE WOMEN! They showed what women wrestlers could really do!

Savannah was interrupted by Charlotte Flair's theme as she walked out with her title around her waist.

She made her way into the ring as Savannah glared at her.

Charlotte: Yes, I do remember Gail Kim. Kaitlyn. AJ Lee. But they are the past, and I'm the present! You're talking about me riding on my father's coattails? Remind us who your brother is Savannah.

The crowd ooed as Savannah shook her head

Savannah: This isn't about my brother Charlotte. Nobody even knew who my brother was when I debuted, much less when I was champion

Charlotte: This isn't about your brother, Savannah? Well this isn't about my father but you made it about him, just like everyone before you has done! You try to playcate these people and make them believe I don't deserve to be here! You make it seem like I haven't fought to get where I am!

Charlotte stomped her way until her and Savannah were nose to nose, Charlotte looking down upon her opponent.

Charlotte: And that's your mistake. This isn't about my father, and your right this isn't about your brother. This is about me, this is about you and this is about the SmackDown Live Women's Championship! And at Clash Of Champions, I'm gonna prove to you and world why I DESERVE to be champion

Savannah scoffed and backed up from Charlotte as she ran a hand through her hair.

Savannah: And now, that's your mistake. You just like everyone before you. You're underestimating me Charlotte, I can see it in your eyes. You don't believe I can beat you. You think I'm like all the other women, that you're the Queen, that you are supposed to be champion.

Charlotte: That's the only correct thing you've ever said Savannah Nicole. I am the Queen. I am supposed to be champion, I WAS BORN TO BE CHAMPION!

Charlotte glared at her opponent and raised her title as Savannah laughed at her and held up her hand to shut her up.

Savannah: Yeah Charlotte, you may have been born to be champion, but I've fought, I've scratched and clawed to be champion! I've earned the right to be called champion over and over again! Charlotte Flair, I've seen women like you come and go a thousand times. You, Charlotte, may be a Flair but you are just as replaceable as everyone before you. But I'm not. Because I'm The Queen Of The Cell! Because I'm the Barb Wire Babe! Because I AM THE REVOLUTIONARY DIVA! Charlotte Flair, you will no longer underestimate me after Clash Of Champions. Charlotte Flair, you will no longer be The Queen. Charlotte Flair.......After Clash Of Champions, you'll just be another statistic to me and to the world when I pin you for the three count in the center of the ring! I'll earn another accolade while you'll be laying face down in the center of the ring!

Savannah cackled as she sent an evil smile to her opponent.

Savannah: Charlotte.........Honestly, you may not even make it to Clash Of Champions

Savannah doesn't give Charlotte time to process her words before she hits her with a superkick, knocking her out.

Savannah smirks and raises Charlotte's title in the air before dropping it and sliding out of the ring.

She goes under the ring and grabs a steel chair before sliding back in the ring as the crowd cheers her as she turns heel.

She smirks before attacking Charlotte Flair with the steel chair, slamming it down on her body over and over again.

She doesn't stop until the chair is bent out of shape.

Savannah throws the chair out of the ring and slides out, making her way up the ramp as she smirks at Charlotte's fallen body as medics rush to help her.

She blows Charlotte a vindictive kiss before waving and making her way backstage.
Savannah's POV:

Once I got backstage I was swooped into Phil's arms as he spun me around making me laugh at him.

Once he set me down he sent me a huge grin as he rambled on and on "Savvy that was so fucking amazing! Like you did awesome! You turned heel on her and the crowd was still cheering you! They love you! I just know you're gonna beat her for the title!"

April flung herself at me and we hugged each other tightly as she congratulated me as well.

Next Randal hugged me and finally Hunter and Vince.

Ashley (Charlotte Flair) came backstage with the help of a medic making me feel a little bad but not really since we weren't friends.

I excused myself from my friends and boss before walking over to Ashley who stared at me in confusion.

I held a hand out for her to shake as I spoke "You did great out there Ashley and I wish you the best at Clash Of Champions because, you're gonna need it"

She smirked and shook my hand "Thanks Savannah, same to you, good luck"

With that she limped away as I just smirked at her retreating form.

No offense, she seems sweet but the Flair family are dicks and I couldn't wait to wipe the floor with her.

Word Count: 1272 Words

(I got the inspiration for this from Becky Lynch's promos on Charlotte and it just seemed like a great thing)

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