✔️Chapter 20: Clash Of Champions

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Chapter 20: Clash Of Champions

Clash Of Champions
Off Air
Savannah's POV:

I smirked in the mirror as I looked over my new gear.

The new heel turn has given me a chance to reinvent myself and that's exactly what I am planning to do.

My gear is now black combat boots, red and black leggings with red flames going up the sides, a red and black crosses top that crosses at the neck and has glitter and flames on it to match my hair and a black zip up cropped leather jacket and black MMA Gloves.

My hair now has red highlights to blend in with my brown waves.

I had small spikes on my jacket and I had to admit, I looked super badass.

My match was next and I was gonna kick the Queen's ass.

With the first ever Women's Royal Rumble next month, I of course did want to be apart of it, but I think I'm gonna stick to the men's Rumble Match.

"SmackDown Women's Championship Match next. Charlotte Flair and Savannah Nicole please report to the entrance" Mark said over the speaker making my smirk grow.

I took a deep breath as I made my way down the hallway to the gurrelia.

Ashley was their with her dad Ric making me roll my eyes.

Bryan walked over to me with a huge smile making me return it as he gave me a tight hug.

"Go beat her ass Van, don't come back without that title" he told me making me laugh but nod in agreement.

I was either gonna walk out with that title or I wasn't gonna walk out as all.

Ashley went out first as me and Bryan watched as the crowd booed her loudly making us chuckle in sync.

My music hit and I sent Bryan a wink as I made my way out with a smirk.
In The Ring
SmackDown Women's Championship Match
Charlotte Flair (C) Vs. Savannah Nicole
Third Person's POV:

Charlotte Flair glared at Savannah as she made her way into the ring with a smirk.

She sent a Charlotte a wink as she greeted the crowd who cheered her loudly.

Both women got ready as the ref rang the bell and they circled one another.

Savannah rolled her eyes before walking up to her opponent and slapping her harshly across the cheek, making Charlotte fall back a few steps.

Charlotte recovered and glared at Savannah as they locked up.

*Skipping Match, Sorry Just Bad At Descriptions*

Savannah took a deep breath as everyone realized what she was doing.

Michael Cole: Don't do it Savannah!

JBL: That's career suicide! She could break her neck! She's risking everything!

Corey Graves: She's going for what looks like a Shooting Star Press, she could break her neck if even the littlest thing goes wrong!

Savannah nodded to herself before throwing herself off the top rope and successfully hitting a Shooting Star Press on Charlotte Flair.

She slowly pinned her for the three count.

The bell ran as Savannah looked around in shock.

Lillian: And the winner, the new SmackDown Women's Champion, SAVANNAH NICOLE!

The referee helped her stand and passed her the title as she teared up slightly.

She raised her title in victory as the crowd cheered 'You Deserve It'

Savannah smiles at the WWE Universe as even the announcers clapped for her amazing performance against Charlotte Flair.

Eventually Savannah made her way backstage as the applause didn't quiet down once.
Off Air
Savannah's POV:

I couldn't help the tears that slowly fell down my face as Phil pulled me into a tight hug as I couldn't help but hug him back.

I was Champion again.

"I'm so proud of you sis, you deserve it" he whispered to me, making me tear up even more.

He kissed my head as he let me go and I hugged the rest of my friends who were waiting for me.

Everyone eventually walked away as Ashley came limping backstage as I held my neck which was in slight pain.

She sighed once she saw me.

I smiled slightly and pulled her into a tight hug as she hugged back just as slightly.

"Thank you Ashley" I whispered.

She shook her head as we separated "No thank you Savannah. You've just given me one of the best matches of my career and I'm so proud that I lost to someone like you, you really do deserve it"

I sent her a nod of gratitude as she walked off with her dad and I made my way to my locker room.

Everyone I passed congratulated me making me smile slightly.

Once I finally made it to my locker room I made sure the door was shut before picking up my phone and going to Twitter.

I took a picture of the title on my shoulder before uploading it.

*Insert Selfie With Title* I'm so proud to stand here with the SmackDown Women's Championship. I'm lucky enough to have gotten to beat a true Champion like Charlotte for it. Respect. Charlotte, I can say I respect you and you have earned the right to be in WWE

I smiled and tweeted out my message before tweeting out a separate one.

I've fought my entire life to be champion, and now here I am. The top of the mountain. Well........Not the top, just the top of the women's division. AJ Styles, I think we should have a chat on SmackDown Live this Tuesday

I laughed to myself because I knew I was gonna do something that would cause the internet to break in a couple of days.

I'm so grateful to have my friends and brother here with me.

Word Count: 961 Words

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