✔️Chapter 25: Patrick The Polar Bear

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Her outfit^^^^
Chapter 25: Patrick The Polar Bear

South Carolina
Amusement Park
Savannah's POV:

I chuckled at his comment as we passed by another booth selling pretzels.

Jeff slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him as Matt and his wife Reby walked ahead of us.

Reby was holding Maxel and Matt was holding Wolfgang as the family enjoyed themselves.

"Hey Van, wanna lose em'?" He questioned with a devious smirk making me nod.

We looked around and noticed a booth that was empty and off to the side.

We nodded and we ran to the booth.

We were out of breath as we couldn't help but break out in laughter.

The guy running the booth sent me a smirk and a wink making me frown in confusion.

Jeff let out a slight growled and wrapped his arm around my waist as we stepped up to play.
It was a basketball game to shoot it in the hoop.

Jeff turned to me and smirked as I groaned at the expression on his face "Nooo Jeff, I'm trash"

He shrugged "That's tough Van. Bet, if I win......I get a date"

I smiled slightly and nodded "If I win, you get me a stuffed polar bear and we go on the ferris wheel"

Jeff chuckled and nodded as he grabbed one of the balls.

He took a deep breath and shot, missing making me clap loudly and laugh "LOSER"

He glared playfully at me but couldn't hold back a chuckle.

He made his next shot and made a third shot.

The guy handed me the ball with a wink and nodded.

I took a deep breath and shot, making it making me squeal and jump on Jeff.


He laughed "One."

I turned my attention back to the game once he spoke, realizing, oh yeah I still had two more shots.

After making the second shot I took a deep breath and nodded before shooting............


.....................and hitting the attendant in the face.

Jeff burst out in laughter as my eyes widened in horror.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! How can I help?" I kept rambling and rambling.

He smiled a little and sighed "You can give me your number and let me go on a date with ya pretty little thing"

I stared at him in suprise as Jeff finally stopped laughing ans glared at him.

"Sorry but she's already going on a date with me. So give us the polar bear and leave the woman alone" he said with a slight growl suprising me.

The guy, in fear nodded and thrust the polar bear at me as I happily thanked him, all my attention going to the polar bear.

Jeff wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked away.

"Patrick. This is Patrick the Polar Bear, our child." I said with confidence making Jeff smile at me.

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