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      The whole car ride was so akward. I just couldn't stand the fact anymore that Louis doesn't know how i feel! But tonight, I'm going to tell him: tonight I'm going to confess that i'm gay and in love with Louis. I constantly found myself looking and Lou. He just looked so amazing in those red pants. I bit my lip trying to stop myself from looking at him. This is going to be a long car ride.


      As we finally arrived at Nandos, everyone had dates. Niall had a friend from Mullingar, Zayn had Perrie, and Liam had Danielle. Me and Louis were the only ones without anyone. "Want to just get our own table? I mean, i don't really want to see all that mushy-kissy stuff with all them." Louis said as he pointed to the others as they sat down around a table. I nodded and messed up my curls a bit. I looked over to Louis who was staring at me. We held 3 seconds worth of eye contact and he moved his head and blushed. I smiled. Does he possibly like me too? Well, only one way to find out. But i can't tell him yet, not now.



       As Harry messed up his curls i couldn't help but stare. It just drove me mad how perfect his hair goes with his perfect green emeralds and those plump,pink lips. How would it feel to kiss those lips, i thought. When Harry finished messing with his hair he noticed i was staring at him. We held a good 3 seconds of staring at each other and i turned away. I felt my cheeks heat up immediatly. GAH, why now? As a waiter came i asked "Table for two miss?" She smiled and directed us to our table. I don't care what happens tonight, i am going to tell Harry Styles i love him. But what if he doesn't feel the same way....?


      "That day was hillarious! Remeber when you kissed that bird? What was his name?" Harry laughed. "His.... name was..... Kevin." I laughed also. Harry and i have been remembering flashbacks and having a good time. This is why i love him. He's always so funny, and has the same personalitly as I do. That's why we get along so well. I started to get quiet, as I was thinking how to tell Harry I love him, without scaring the poor guy.

         "Hey, Haz...?" I asked. "Can i ask you something?"

         "Sure Boobear. What's up?" He asked with concern in his eyes. 

         "Okay, U-um, Harry, I th-think, i, l-lo.."



          As Dani, Perrie, Rose (Niall's friend), Zayn, Nialler and i ate our dinner, we heard Harry and Louis laughing and having a good time. 

        "Hey guys," I asked. "Do you think they're privately going out? I mean, they've been best friend for about 2 years, but they act so much  closer than friends..." I said while pointing to them in the back of the restaurant. 

        "Well, if they are, i wouldn't mind. I mean if they're happy, i guess its al that matters" Niall said. "And besides, if  they were, don't you think they wil tell us?"

         I guess he was right.


          As we all finished eating, Harry and Louis weren't done yet. After Zayn, Niall and I paid the bill, we went over the boys table to tell them we were leaving. As we got close to their table i heard Lou say, "Harry, I th-think, i, l-lo." 

            Does Louis really like Harry? Well I'll talk to him about it later. 

            As we finally got to their table Lou said "I th-think ,I-love...... this Perri Perri chicken!" Lou smiled, but i obviously knew he was hiding something. 

            "Hey Cheeky Chaps number 1 and 2" I said while smiling. "We're about to head home, you guys going to stay longer?"

           " Not at all, we were just finishing." Harry said. They both paid for the bill and we all went home. We all decided to crash on the couch and watch movies. We chose to watch Toy Story 2. After about an hour through the movie, everyone was asleep: Rose sleeping on Niall's lap, Danielle sleeping on my shoulder, Zayn cuddled up with Perrie, and harry laying on Louis. Louis constantly moved a curl out of Harry's face. Maybe he does like him i thought. 

             "PSSSTTT! Louis!" I whispered. "Can i talk to you outside?" He nodded and we headed out to the porch.

              "What's up lad?" He asked

               "Lou, i need you to be honest," i sighed. "Are you gay...?"

               His cheeks instantly turned into a bright red color. "N-no, why would you say that?" 

                " I see the way you look at Harry, and how you guys joke around and act so carefree, so i just wanted you to know that," I said. "You should tell him you love him..."


 HELLO LOVELYS! :D Sorry i didn't update sooner, i had a bit of writter's block, and didnt know what to do for the restaurant scene. I hope you guys like it though! Oh and in this story Louis doesnt go out with Eleanor. :l Lol, but tell me what you think in the comments! :) - H 

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