Ch. 4

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     "H-how'd you know that?" I asked.

     "Lou," Liam sighed, "Its quite obvious, since you never wipe off that grin when you're around him and how  Harry constantly looks at you with passion." Wait, Harry looks at me a lot? Could he like me too? I was eager to know how he felt. 


       "Yea, well I think you should tell him. And don't worry about wondering if you'll get rejected, i'm sure he likes you too." As Liam said that, i hugged him. He always knew what to say. "Thanks lad" I said.

       We made our way back inside and carried everyone to their rooms and left the girls sleeping with their dates. As we carrying everyone, i noticed Harry wasn't to be found. 

     "Hey, im going to look for Harry. " i whispered. Liam gave a thumbs up. I looked everywhere, his room, outside, the bathroom, and i just couldn't find him. I sighed, finally giving up, and headed to my room. As i opened my door, i saw Harry under my sheets. I smiled from cheek to cheek. I was so relieved to find him, but what was he doing in my room...?



      "Hi boobear. You finally came." I groaned while sitting up on Louis' bed. I checked the clock to find out that it was 1 A.M. No wonder i was so knackered. "Um, can you sit down, i need to tell you something."

    "U-um sure. But quick question: you're wearing clothes right?" I chuckled and nodded. Louis sighed. "Okay." He sat next to me, lightly brushing my hand with his fingers. I was about to loose it!

     "U-um, Lou, I-I've been wanting t-to tell you something for a while. So here goes: Louis, I l-" I was cut off by a pair of lips smashed into mine. I looked to see who was kissing me, and saw it was Louis. I smiled, and kissed back. It wasn't an agressive kiss, but instead it was passionate. As Louis pulled away, he was nervous. Was it something i did?



    As i pulled away from the kiss i couldn't stand it. I just had to tell him!

    "Look Harry. In the restaurant i couldn't say it, but here goes. I love you, Harry Styles. I've loved you since X-Factor. I love everything about you. Your eyes drive me mad, your smile makes me melt, and those curls drive me insane! I know you dont like me but-" A pair of lips crashed into my lips. Harry kissed me.

    He quickly pulled back and said "I love you too, Louis Tomlinsion. Always have." He smirked as he kept our foreheads close together. Inside i was jumping around and doing flips. I was so happy he felt the same way! I  pecked his lips and said goodnight. I quickly took off my clothes and was only in boxers. I snuggled in with Harry. He put his hands on my hips and whispered in my ear "Night boobear." This day was apsolutely perfect.



    "YOU'VE GOT THAT ONE THING!" I sang. I looked over at Louis and smiled. His cheeks turned bright pink. Its been two days since me and him kissed the other night, and i was happy. He finally knows how i feel and feels the same way. 

     "Thank you Dallas! You fans are truely the best!" Liam yelled into the crowd. We headed back stage. I hugged the boys. There were only 3 more shows until the tour ends. After all we've been through, I'm honestly going to miss the lads. I went into Lou's dress up room. I hid behind a huge carrot costume. Why does he even have this? I laughed. 

    "Hazza, come out. I already heard you."

    I ran up to him and kissed him. "I missed your lips!" I said. He chuckled. He looked at me and kissed my forehead.

   "I missed your lips t-" He was cut off by a knock on the door. He told me to act like nothing happened and pretend to be on my phone. I obeyed. As Louis opened the door, his face was full with anger, sadness, and disbelief.

 "......What're you doing here, Eleanor?" 


Hello! :D  Im trying to update at least everyday now. Anywways,  i decided to include Eleanor in the story. lol, and what do you guys think Eleanor is to Lou in the story: A friend, a girlfriend, an EX PERHAPS?! Hmm, guess you guys will find out soon. :x lol, llamas are cool. Until tommorow! :) - H

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