Ch. 5

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    "......What are you doing here Eleanor?" i asked with a hint of anger in my voice. Its been 4 months since we broke up, and i never wanted to see her again. 

    "Louis, baby, you didn't forget about have you?" She asked. I wanted to slam that door right in her face. She may seem sweet and innocent on the outside, but inside she was truely evil. I just scowled at her. 

   "Who's this Louis?" Harry asked as he got off his phone. He touched my shoulder, and made me forget i was mad. He had this magic touch, or so he called it.

  "Hi, im Eleanor! And you're Harry Styles right?" Eleanor asked as she reached out her hand. I glared at her, acting all sweet. Harry reached out his hand and shaked hers and said "The one and only!" He smiled. I couldn't help but smile myself, unti l remebered Eleanor was here.

 "So how do you know Louis?" Harry asked.

  "Well we used to go out about 4 months ago before we broke up." She said.

  "What're you doing here?" I asked, not trying to hide the fact that i was annoyed. "Well," She said. "I heard you were in town so i decided to visit"

  "Yea ,well nice seeing you."

  "Louis, don't be rude! Lets go introduce her to the boys!" Harry said while grabbing my arm and her arm and rushing us out the door. 


   "Really? Louis used to sleep with knee socks and boxers?" Harry laughed. I don't understand why Eleanor was being all friendly. I kept scowling at her.

    "OKAY, look at the time! Its getting late, shouldn't you be getting home Eleanor?" I said eagerly wanting her to leave. SHe pulled out her phone. "Oh my, it is getting late. Well i hope to see you guys again! In fact would you guys like to go to lunch with me tomorrow afternoon at Nandos?" She asked. All the boys nodded except me. Harry looked towards my direction, giving me the puppy dog eyes. I imediately smiled. I also nodded. "Fine, we'll meet up with you tomorrow. Around 1-ish?" i asked trying to sound happy. She nodded. "See you there!" She got up and walked out of the door. I sighed in relief. 

     "FINALLY, she's gone." I huffed. 

     "She's really nice!" cooed Niall. "How come we've never met her before?"

     "Because we were on the down low."  All the boys had their mouths shaped as O's. I started to chuckle. I brought my wrist up to my face. "Wow, its 10:45 She was here for QUITE a while. Anywho im off to bed. Night lads" I said as i headed upstairs. They all said their goodbyes, and started heading to their rooms aswell. I locked the door to the room me and Harry shared. I pulled off my clothes and stayed in boxers. As i was about to hop into bed, i heard a knock on the door. "Boobear, open up. Its me Harry" I heard the familiar voice. I got up and opened the door. Harry imediately started looking me up and down and started to blush.

      "Erm.. I was plannig on cuddling t-today with y-you, but i understand if you-" I cut him off with a quick peck. "Sure thing Hazza. You can cuddle up with me" He smiled from cheek to cheek. He started to take off his clothes. He was only in boxers also, but you couldn't get your eyes off his perfect abs. He smirked. "Like what you see?" he asked seductively. You felt your cheeks heat up. Harry snuggled into the bed with you. He nuzzled his nose close to my chest. "Night Lou. " He mumbled. I kissed his forehead. "Night Harry" i whispered. I couldn't really sleep. I just didnt want to know what Eleanor was plannig. She may be fooling the boys with the "nice" act, but i know the truth about her....


  A/N: OKAY GUYS, im SOOOOO sorry i havent uploaded in a long time. D: i've been really busy you know, with summer errands and such. :p But what do you guys think Eleanor is hiding? HMMM?! :D well, just to let you in on what she's hiding, its a secret. ;D lolol. so i promise i wont update so late.


                           - H

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