6- A First For Everything

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1 week later
Elena's POV
I'm rudely awakened by the vibration of my phone's alarm, and slowly roll over to turn it off, all the while sighing in the process. I rub the sleep out of my eyes before making my way off the bed, making sure to sneak a glance at my sleeping husband, who looks adorable whilst he's relaxed and asleep. I love seeing him so at ease. I stretch before changing into my work clothes, hating the fact that I'm already dressed before the sun has properly risen.
Without waking Stefan up I go downstairs to get myself some breakfast and a mug of tea, hoping the small amount of caffeine will wake my sluggish body up.
As I'm half way through making my tea I feel two arms wrap lightly around my waist and a familiar face snuggle into the crook of my neck.
"What are you doing up so early?" I question whilst straining the tea bag. Stefan was at work until late last night (what's new) so I was hoping he'd sleep in at least until Layla wakes up. He's practically been running on no sleep recently, I have no idea how he does it.
"I heard you go downstairs so I followed," he replies into my shoulder. I laugh at the predictable nature of my husband, if it's a choice between sleep or his family, he'll choose us in a heartbeat.
"You should be resting, you did a 14 hour shift yesterday and Layla isn't even awake yet." I suppress a loud giggle as his lips brush over my neck in a way that, he knows, tickles.
"Layla will be up soon anyway."
I roll my eyes half heartedly. "You're an impossible man."
"And you love me for it." I open my mouth to reply but instead am interrupted by Layla's babbling coming through the baby monitor.
"Told you," he says before quickly kissing my cheek and leaving to get her.
I carry my tea and breakfast over to the table, jokingly shaking my head the entire way. All jokes aside I do worry about him, I can tell he's exhausted but he just doesn't want to admit it nor does he want anyone to worry about him. Of course being his wife, I do. Sometimes it feels like all I can do is worry.
The sound of his footsteps is followed by Layla's soft mumbling and I can't help but to smile as she yawns and sleepily rests her head on Stefan's shoulder as he carries her into the kitchen.
I sip my tea. "Good morning baba," I coo. She rubs her eyes tiredly whilst curling her lips into a cheeky grin.
"Let's get you some breakfast, shall we?" He kisses her head and sits her in her high chair, so I reach over from my spot at the table to ruffle her heart-wrenchingly adorable morning hair. I swear, her hair is getting slightly darker to the point where it looks like a mix of my dark brown hair and Stefan's slightly lighter brown hair.
A moment later he's sitting in front of her, a bowl of porridge in hand. As soon as she sees the food in his hands her eyes immediately light up and a smile stretches across her face. I laugh and sip my tea, admiring the sight of my husband feeding our daughter her breakfast.
He smiles as she takes the spoon from him and licks it clean before returning it to him so he can give her more.
"Why are you growing up so fast?" I stroke the part of her cheek that isn't covered in porridge. I smile and kiss her head before reluctantly getting up to wash my bowl and mug, making sure to sneak glances at the two of them. Stefan and I run on very different schedules so it's rare that I get admire the two of them spending time together in the morning, hence why I take every opportunity to do so.
"I really wish I didn't have to go to work," I say after standing behind Stefan and loosely wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
"You love work," he smirks before turning his head. I kiss him goodbye before smiling at the absolute mess Layla's got herself into and kissing the top of her head, since she's now just smeared porridge onto her forehead.
"Bye Layla. I love you both," I kiss Stefan's cheek. "Have fun cleaning her up."
He laughs softly. "Oh I will."
I grab my bag before turning and taking another glance at the two of them; right now Layla's withholding the spoon from Stefan, who's smiling at our daughter's playfulness as he tries to retrieve it from her. I bite my lip to suppress what could possibly be the biggest grin of the century and make my way out the door and towards my car, because if I don't leave now I know I'll end up calling in sick so I can spend the day with my two favourite people. You're only in for a half day. I think to myself and smile at the idea of returning to them in as little as six hours. With this in mind I ignite the engine and begin to the drive to the office, the place I both love and loathe.

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