9- Bringing Up The Past

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Two weeks later

"Okay, I'll meet you there. See you in a bit." I hang up and put my phone in my pocket before igniting the engine and reversing out of the driveway.
I'm currently on my way to meet up with Caroline and Bonnie for some well-needed retail therapy. We haven't seen each other for about two weeks now and it's fair to say that we've missed each other. Stefan's at work until about 5 today so I'm planning to get back before then and cook a nice and (hopefully) edible dinner for the two of us. He's been working nights a lot over the last two weeks so it'll be good to spend an evening together and potentially start to plan our baby's first birthday party which is coming up.
I park up outside the shopping centre and check my phone. 13:19. We said we'd meet at half-past so, for once in my life, I'm on time. I catch the sight of a sleeping Layla in my rearview mirror and smile, despite the fact that the only reason why she's sleeping is that she was up most of the night, which meant that we were up for most of the night. It takes me a few minutes to get Layla out of the car and strap her into the pushchair without waking her whereby that time I receive a message from our group chat saying that Bonnie's already inside and to meet her there.
"Hey girl!" I look up from my phone and smile as I see Bonnie approaching.
"Hey Bon! Where's Care?" We embrace in a hug before she crouches down to Layla's level to stroke her cheek softly as she continues to sleep soundly.
"I'm here," Caroline says from behind us. We turn to greet and embrace her in a hug.
"Where to first, ladies?" I ask.
Caroline takes a quick glance around for her first victim, I mean, shop. "Well, I'm thinking some clothes and shoes retail therapy for us and then there's a little boy who is in need of some retail therapy since his parents haven't bought him anything and own nothing for a baby boy."
I laugh because it's both true and funny. Well, not completely true since Stefan and I have been shopping a few times recently and have gotten the odd bits but we have nowhere near as much as we need.
"Sounds like a plan," I reply.

We're about an hour into shopping before we decide to take a break, which I'm secretly glad for since my feet are sore by this point. It's been so nice to do a bit of shopping for myself since I was in need of some new maternity clothes.
"So, how's the new job role going, Caroline?" I ask. Caroline recently got a promotion at the firm that she works for. She's always worked so hard ever since she started working there so she was the only deserving recipient of the promotion.
"Guys, it's so great. It's so much better than I expected! I get to boss around the people that used to boss me around!" Her excitement in being able to exercise her assertiveness makes me laugh.
"Well we know how much you enjoy bossing people around," Bonnie smirks. Caroline laughs and nudges her shoulder.
"I don't know what you're talking about." We both give her the all-knowing smile. "Kidding! But yeah, I'm really enjoying it. Although, it does mean that I often have to bring my work home so I don't get to spend as much time with Klaus. I'm hoping that once everything settles down it'll be easier to get into a routine."
"Definitely. It'll make you appreciate the weekends a lot more," Bonnie says. I nod in agreement. Stefan's long hours make me appreciate the time that we spend together, whether it be ten minutes spent together or a whole day.
"Mumma." At the sound of my daughter's voice, I bring my attention to her before she begins to fuss.
"Mumma's here," I say before unstrapping her from the buggy and sitting her in my lap. Half of her face is red from being pressed up against the side of the buggy and her hair has much more volume than normal. I kiss her head and smooth her hair as she snuggles into my arms.
"Did you have a good nap, Layla?" Caroline asks, a smile on her face.
"I'm so glad she slept now and not any later so she might actually go to sleep at a decent time tonight. It's Stefan's first evening off in the last week."
"Ooh, got any special plans?" Bonnie asks with a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows.
"I'm making dinner for the two of us, so I wouldn't exactly call it special. I think we might start planning somebody's birthday party tonight though."
"Wow, wild night in the Salvatore house!" Caroline's sarcastic comment and fist pump makes me softly laugh.
"Life of a parent, my friend. That's about as exciting as our evenings get. And, if we both don't fall asleep on the sofa before 11 we might even get round to watching a whole movie!" I say with a feigned gasp.
"Really pushing the boat out there guys. Try not to have too much fun," Bonnie jokes.
I laugh too. "We'll try not to."

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