16- Welcome Home

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Elena's POV

"Ready?" I hear and turn my gaze from my sleeping newborn to my husband, who's shouldering my bag and pushing the wheelchair into the room. I smile. "Ready." I say this knowing that I am nowhere near ready to take my eyes off of our beautiful son's face and make no attempt to do so.

"You're so not ready." His arms snake around my waist, his chin nestling into the crook of my neck. "Look down." I reluctantly drag my glance down to my feet, and laugh at my fluffy socks on my feet. Okay, I am so not ready. "I think I got distracted."

"I think it's fair to say that distraction is justifiable." He kisses my temple before joining me in gazing at our son. I can tell from the movement of his cheek against my own that he's smiling. 

"He looks so much like you, baby." I turn and his soft smile stretches into a grin. I've already sent our close friends and family a picture of our beautiful son, and almost all of the replies have been about how much he looks like Stefan. 

"Thank you. For our family." I turn my head to face him, our lips meeting in the process. Our tongues glide together in perfect symphony and I can't help the small whimper that escapes my mouth. My hand reaches up and I run my fingers through his hair as his hands grip my hips, turning me all the way round to face him. Our bodies are pressed together, breathing heavy as our lips eventually separate. 

"You're welcome. Although, there's now going to be significantly less of this with two of them." A loose giggle escapes me as he wraps me in his arms, my laughter buried in his chest. 

"We'll see about that." I smirk, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his jaw. 

"Welcome home!" I'm so shocked by the sudden surprise that it takes me a minute to react properly.
"I thought you guys were all at work!" I say. Stefan told me that he was going to pick Layla up from my mum's house later on, so I had no idea that she, as well as his parents, and our friends were here.

"Where's Layla?" I question, not being able to see her in my direct eyesight.

"Mumma! Dadda!" I turn my direction to the quiet patter of small feet and see her toddling towards me.

"Hi, beautiful." I crouch down to her level and embrace her in a tight hug, smiling from ear to ear. "We missed you, so much."

"Has she been good?" I ask, looking at my mum.

"An angel like always."

I stand up with her in my arms. "Baby," she says, pointing at Grayson, who's currently curled up in Stefan's arms.

"That's right. It's your little brother, Layla." I move towards Stefan so she can get a closer look at him and become absolutely mesmerised by the sight of the two of them together.

"Shh," she says, putting her index finger over her closed mouth. Stefan and I both smile at her.

"Yeah, he's sleeping." Although, at that moment he chooses to fuss slightly, stretching his arms out, mittened hands reaching out in front of him. 

"Silly baby." Her face scrunches up as she giggles. I laugh quietly with her, hugging her tighter to my chest. 

"I think he's hungry," Stefan says. We both do a swap of the babies so that I can sit down and feed the baby whilst Stefan can give Layla all the attention she deserves. 

Everyone else follows us to the living room, all of them practically buzzing with anticipation.   

"So, you guys have kept it to yourselves long enough. What's his name?"

I look towards Stefan and we share a smile, mainly from the excitement of being able to finally share the name of our son.

"This is Grayson Leonardo Salvatore." Almost as soon as the words leave Stefan's mouth, my mother's hands fly to her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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