14- Waiting Game

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Two weeks later 

Elena's POV

It's been a slow morning, much slower than our usual mornings. With Layla not having play group today and me being on maternity leave, we can take our time in the mornings, this one being no exception. I'm currently enjoying my breakfast whilst I watch Layla play with the toys on her play mat, Ben and Holly's little kingdom playing in the background. I might as well apply to be one of the voice actors at this point considering I know all of the episodes off by heart from watching them so much. A little sigh of happiness escapes me as I gaze at Layla, her morning hair sticking out in all directions, divide her attention between her toys and her favourite cartoon fairies on the TV. 

Whilst Layla is occupied with one of her various toys I decide to take the time to 
I hear my phone ringing from the other room so I rush over to get it before it stops. When it's in my grasp, I smile at the caller ID.

"Hey, mum." I readjust my grip on the phone so I can tidy the kitchen table.
"Hey, just calling to check up on you. Any news?"
I sigh quietly. "No, no news yet. You'll be one of the first to know if something happens."
"You sound exhausted, honey. Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. To be honest, I don't feel that tired. I'm just getting tired of the waiting, although I hate saying that because I know as soon as I've given birth, I'll miss being pregnant."
"Ah bless you. I know how you feel, it's so normal to feel that way."
"Ugh, it's hard work being pregnant, all these emotions," I laugh.
"You got that right. You're doing a great job, though. I'm proud of you, both of you."
"Thank you mum, that means a lot. If I can be half the mum you were to me, then I'll count myself as proud,"
"Oh honey, you already are. You're such a great mum, we all think so. I can't count the amount of times that Stefan has described you as the perfect mum,"
The thought makes me smile as I internally gush at the fact that Stefan talks about me so highly to my mother. Although the gesture doesn't surprise me since Stefan's always been the type of person to praise me, it just makes me smile at how adorable and sweet he is. Although the irony of the fact that he never seems to accept the same kind of praise never evades me. 

As if she knows my attention is divided and not solely focused on her, Layla begins to whimper, bottom lip protruding and two hands outstretched. "I better go mum, I'll see you soon. Love you"

"Okay darling, love you." I sigh and pick up my daughter, knowing that today is going to run me off of my feet. 

A few hours later 

"Hey, I'm home." I hear followed by the sound of footsteps that become louder as he makes his way through the living room and into the kitchen. "Dadda!" Layla scurries off and meets him by the door frame.

"Hey, munchkin!" The smile on their faces is the definition of pure happiness, I love that they have that effect on each other. He takes her into his arms before approaching and embracing me. "How are you?"

I tighten my grip around him, thankful to see him again after, what feels like, a very long day. "I'm okay, tired, but okay."

"Any day now. It'll be over soon."

"Soon can't come soon enough."

"I know." He kisses my forehead. "How's Layla been?"

"Full of cold, bless her." I lightly tickle under her chin. "She's been restless all day, she only slept for half an hour this afternoon. I think her teething is giving her pain too."

"You must be tired now then, huh?" He asks Layla, fussing her. "And mummy must be tired too." Using his free hand he takes me into his arms.

"It's been a long day," I say with a short laugh. "And I haven't even made a start on dinner." I sigh, rubbing my forehead in the hope that the tension from the day will melt away.

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