Chapter 7 - Unsafe

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Jesse silently walked up the stairs, grinning broadly, as she held Rascal to her chest. Jesse reached out, gripping the doorknob to Petra's room. She quietly opened the door.

Petra was lying on her bed, her back to the door, staring out of the window.

"Petra?" Jesse asked softly. Petra slowly turned her head to look at Jesse. Her face was expressionless.

But then she saw the puppy Jesse held in her arms.

"Rascal!" Petra called out, her face lighting up.

She leapt up from the bed and ran over to Jesse. Rascal squirmed out of Jesse's arms, jumping straight into Petra's.

"Oh my god, I was so worried about you!" Petra said as she hugged the puppy tightly. Rascal yapped excitedly, before beginning to lick Petra's face. Petra looked up at Jesse, a broad smile spread across her face, her eyes filled with happiness and relief.

"Jesse... thank you so much." She said, hugging Jesse tightly.

Jesse hugged Petra back, thrilled to see her friend smiling again. Petra held Rascal in front of her face, so she could look into his eyes. "Rascal, don't you ever do that to me again." She said, hugging him tightly again.

"Petra... there's something you need to know." Jesse said, scratching the back of her head.

Petra's face fell. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Rascal didn't get out on his own." Jesse explained, biting her lip. "He was stolen... right from your room."


Everyone's eyes were wide as Jesse showed them the letter. They were gathered around in the treasure hall. Olivia was scanning the letter with a frown on her face. Lukas was standing beside her, reading over her shoulder. Jesse stood across from them, chewing her nails, with Petra standing beside her, still holding Rascal in her arms. Radar had started pacing up and down, as soon as Jesse read the letter out loud the first time. Axel didn't seem to be paying attention to the discussion at all, as he was quickly working his way through a chocolate frosted doughnut.

"This is bad."Lukas muttered, pulling his hand through his blonde hair. "This guy knows we're onto him, and this is his way of saying back off."

"I don't like the fact that he can just walk into the order hall whenever he wants."Radar squeaked.

"I don't think any of us do." Lukas pointed out.

Jesse noticed that Olivia was still frowning and looking at the page intensely.

"I'm sure I've seen this handwriting before." Olivia said.

"Really?" Jesse asked hopefully.

Olivia nodded. "See the way they curve the L at the top? And the distinctive loop the G make? I've definitely seen this handwriting before." She said thoughtfully. "I just can't remember where..."

They all fell silent. The only sound in the room, were Rascal's contented groans as Petra rubbed him behind his ears.

"This has to be somebody we know." Jesse finally said. "They have a key to the Order Hall, Olivia recognizes their handwriting... but who the hell could it be?"

Nobody said anything. Finally Lukas was the first to speak up. "It's getting late." He said. "Maybe we should call it a day. We can stress over this again tomorrow."

Everyone shrugged, exchanging questioning glances. Except for Axel of course, who was too engrossed in his doughnut to hear anything.

"It has been a tiring day." Radar pointed out nervously.

"Alright. We'll resume the investigation tomorrow." Jesse said with a heavy sigh. Everyone nodded.

"See you guys tomorrow then." Lukas said, almost reluctantly, before he turned, and left for the door.

"Same." Radar said, nodding his goodbye to them, before hastily following Lukas out the door.

"Guys... am I the only one who's actually nervous about staying in this Order Hall tonight?" Olivia asked, looking at them with wide eyes.

Jesse and Petra exchanged fearful glances. They hadn't thought about that, at all.


The sun was slowly disappearing over the horizon. Darkness fell inside the old ruins. Gusts of freezing cold air blew through the broken walls, making the man who was trapped behind iron bars shiver.

He kicked the bars in frustration, over and over, until he could barely stand on his feet they were so sore. He sat down heavily against the cracked wall, cursing silently under his breath.

Suddenly a shadow was cast over the prisoner's face as another figure stepped into the ruins, blocking out the last rays of sunlight. The man glared up at his captor.

"Why so glum?" The other figure asked.

"I don't have to answer to you." The prisoner growled.

His captor laughed. He walked past the prison, bending down to open a spruce chest that was hidden in the corner.

"I'm so close, I can taste it." He said, as he rummaged through the contents. "Now, I only need to get my claws on that little brat, Jesse..."

"You won't!" The prisoner bellowed, grabbing the iron bars.

His captor chuckled. "Oh but I will... They have no idea who I am. They will soon fall straight into my trap." He grinned maniacally.

"They've done you no harm, old friend! Let them be!" The prisoner begged, as he shook the bars.

The captor came up to the cage, reaching through the bars and clasping his hand around the throat of the prisoner.

"Oh but they have..." He said in a threateningly, low tone. "And they will pay the heavy price."

The walls of the room lid up in a bright light. As if by magic itself, the captor's appearance changed. He changed until he looked completely identical to the man behind bars

"No." The prisoner choked out, trying to pull free.

His captor, now wearing the same face, chuckled deeply.

"They have no idea what's coming their way."

Yay, another chapter already! Was feeling a bit more motivated for this than the one shots, so here ya have it!

Any theories so far on this mysterious villain? I'm going to be keeping his identity in the dark for quite some time, so theorize all you want! :)

Don't have much else to say about this chapter, lol. Next chapter things will start heating up rapidly.

Anyhow, I hope ya'll enjoyed this! I'll see you soon with another chapter!

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