Chapter 8 - Friend's Sacrifice

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"I still don't see how this is helping the case." Axel muttered.

"That's because it isn't helping the case." Olivia snapped. "It's to stay safe."

Jesse, Petra, Axel and Olivia were all gathered in the treasure hall for the night. Olivia had come up with the idea, that they'd be safer, spending the night together. After what happened to Rascal, Jesse didn't hesitate to bring Lluna inside, despite everybody's complaints.

"Jesse, I doubt anybody's going to steal a llama." Olivia had tried reasoning with her.

"Especially with the way she kicks!" Axel had added.

But Jesse didn't want to take any risks, so now Lluna was lying down on top of Jesse's sleeping bag.

"Olivia, are you sure you're not just being a bit... I don't know... paranoid?" Petra asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

"Hell no, not with a psycho out there, who's got a key to this very building!" Olivia quickly argued. Petra rolled her eyes.

"Well, this could be fun?" Jesse said, trying to lighten the mood. "It's just like the old days, ya know, when we had to hide out in caves together and so on? Except Lukas isn't here right now, some of us aren't on the brink of death, and there's no Wither Storm on our heels!"

"Heck yea! I even got cookies!" Axel said with a huge grin. Everyone laughed.

"Axel, why do you have cookies on you?" Olivia asked as he started handing out the sugar-cookies.

"Because I was hungry!" Axel said matter-of-factly as he gave Petra her cookie.

She turned it around a few times, pretending to examine it closely. "Are you sure there aren't any gunpowder in this?" She asked playfully. "You know, considering Axel had it?"

"Oh, no they're not from Boomtown, I got them from Jesse's kitchen." Axel said quickly.

"You what?!" Jesse asked, nearly spitting out the cookie. "Axel, they were a gift from Radar." She said, glaring at him.

Axel pouted. "Aw come on Jesse, you always share your cookies!" He said, as he continued to hand out her cookies.

He even gave one to Rascal.

"I'd offer Lluna one, but I'm too afraid she'll spit at me." Axel said warily.

"I doubt llama's are supposed to eat cookies, Axel, she'll pass." Jesse said sternly, making everybody chuckle. It felt good to be together again.

"Guys, this might sound cheesy, but should one of us stay awake?" Olivia asked nervously. "You know to, like, um, keep watch?"

"Liv, you're overreacting now." Axel said with a shake of his head before putting his cookie whole into his mouth.

"I know, I know..." Olivia said, twirling a string of her black hair around her finger. "It's just that in Redstonia, I'm used to living in an apartment with top notch security." She explained.

"Hey, if it'll help you get a good night's sleep, then we can take turns staying up." Jesse said.

"I'll take first watch." Petra offered. "I'm not really tired, so why not?" She said with a shrug.

"OK, just wake me up in half an hour and I'll take over." Jesse said. Petra nodded.

"I still think this is silly." Axel muttered under his breath.

"Sillier than you, stealing my cookies?" Jesse asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Enough with the cookies, I said I was sorry!"

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