Chapter 23 - Attempted Murder?

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Petra and Axel burst through the large glass doors, immediately greeted by Lukas who stood waiting for them.

"She's alive?" Petra asked, almost afraid that what they heard over the phone wasn't true.

A relieved smile was on Lukas's face as he nodded. "She's alive."

Instinctively Petra hugged Lukas tightly in relief, him returning the hug without hesitation.

"Is she going to be OK?" Petra asked the moment she pulled away, her expression one of concern. Other than her eyes still having a faint red tint to them, she didn't look like somebody who were broken down ten minutes ago.

"Until she wakes up, there is no way to tell for sure." Lukas said. "But she's made it this far. I'm sure she can pull through."

"How bad is it?" Axel asked.

"Bad." Lukas admitted. "Other than suffering from hypothermia and losing a lot of blood, she had a really bad fall. Three broken ribs, and her collarbone fractured."

"No wonder she was in so much pain." Petra said softly, her face laced with guilt.

"It's terrible." Lukas agreed. "But it could've been worse. We're lucky she doesn't have any severe spine damage, considering the hit was directly to her back."

Axel and Petra exchanged mildly horrified glances.

"She's still unconscious." Lukas said. "But you can come see her."

"Already?" Axel asked in surprise.

"She's been here longer than you think." Lukas said, scratching the back of his head. "We waited quite some time before calling you guys.

When we found her... things didn't look great. She was barely breathing, so cold, so pale. I was afraid she wouldn't even make it back here.

I couldn't let you guys know that she was alive, only to have her pass away."

"She was that close to death..." Petra said softly, the thought alone making her feel anxious.

"We all have you to thank." Lukas said, making Petra glance up in confusion. "It's thanks to you that Jesse's still with us. Five minutes later and she wouldn't have made it.

You made that whole journey here on foot, just in time. Had you not..." His voice trailed off, not wanting to say it out loud.

Petra looked down, hating the feeling of all the eyes on her. She didn't want the credit, when she knew she was to blame.

"Can we please drop it?" She asked softly. "I just want to see her."

Lukas looked a little disappointed, but nodded. He lead both Axel and Petra to the room Jesse was in, not saying a word along the way. Petra appreciated the silence.

She wasn't exactly sure what she expected. But the sight of Jesse's unconscious form in the hospital bed frightened Petra.

Her eyes closed, her skin pale. Different machines letting out an assortment of beeps as Jesse's heart rate and breathing was monitored.

Never before has she looked this vulnerable, this weak.

Lukas and Axel stayed by the door, watching as Petra walked up to Jesse, instinctively taking her friend's pale hand in hers.

"I've never seen her like this." Axel said softly. "Jesse... she's always been the strong one. The weight that held the Order together. Seeing her, this close to death..."

"It's heartbreaking." Lukas finished.

For a moment it was silent, the only sound in the room being the various types of beeping. All consistent, not changing, as Jesse stayed unconscious.

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