Chapter 20 - Down in the Snow

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"I can't help but wonder, ya know, this thing where people turn into something representing them.." Petra said, looking deep in thought. "Do you think if Axel ever got hit by such a spell he would turn into a doughnut?"

Jesse burst out laughing at the thought.

"Hey, it's a valid question!" Petra chuckled, nudging Jesse playfully.

"Speaking of that..." Jesse said, her laughter dying down. "You seem to be handling it pretty well?"

Petra shrugged. "It was quite scary at first, but things don't stay scary forever do they?" She asked casually. Then she grimaced and added. "It still hurts like hell though."

Jesse nodded, thoughtfully.

"Do you know what's cool though?" Petra suddenly asked. "Whenever I turn, I think I have a short time of invulnerability."

Jesse frowned. "Really?" She asked in surprise.

Petra nodded. "Yea, remember the first time I transformed?

Well, mid-transformation I tried getting up, and literally fell straight into my bedside table." Petra explained. "I hit my shoulder against it so hard, it even ripped my sleeve. Under any other circumstance, my arm would've been broken. But it's not even slightly bruised."

"Woah." Was all Jesse managed to say. "That's... OK yeah that is cool." She admitted.

"Told ya." Petra chuckled.


After almost an hour of walking, the two girls' chatter died down. Jesse's legs were begging her to take a break, and cold was starting numb her fingers. She shook her hands, rubbing her knuckles to prevent any forms of frostbite.

Even Petra started to show signs of tiring. She kept her right hand rested on the sore part of her stomach, walking with a slight limp.

"You OK?" Jesse asked after a while.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Petra said, although her voice sounded slightly strained.

"OK, you know what..." Jesse finally said. "Let's take a break? We could both use it."

Petra nodded in agreement. They sat down on a fallen spruce log at the side of the road. Jesse stretched out her legs, wiggling her toes inside her boots.

"Jesse, what exactly do you plan on doing once we arrive and face this...this thing?" Petra asked, looking at Jesse with a worried expression.

"I don't know." Jesse admitted. "I haven't really thought this through."

"You're a hot mess, you know that right?" Petra asked, although there was a hint of playfulness in her voice.

"Well, I'll do whatever it takes." Jesse said firmly. "Whatever it takes to protect my friends."

"And if that means giving your life?" Petra asked softly.

Jesse didn't say anything, she only looked down at the snowy ground.

"Jesse, is that why you didn't want me to come?" Petra asked, looking over at Jesse with a worried expression. "Were you really planning on letting him kill you, if it came to that?"

"Maybe." Jesse whispered under her breath.

Petra sighed and shook her head. "You're too good of a friend Jesse. Sometimes you really need to think about yourself first." She said.

"Like you did when you leaped in front of me that night?" Jesse asked, her voice coming out a little more harsh than intended.

Petra smiled. "I guess you have a point there." She said softly.

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