The Beginning

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April 9th, 3000,

¨This will not be a funny, as for I am incapable of humor, because I do not understand it. The conception of the Humerus human activity just does not comply with my manner, nor does the thought of human emotions and physical aspects of them do I understand. For this reason I am writing systematic equation known as a ¨Book¨ about my item such as life and my inevitable fate with my master. I cannot reveal his name for I do not know his name. He is symmetrical with fate, one with the fate of the large world I have been put upon, in which you live in, therefore I must leave as it is my time and my fortune. I am the breaker of fate, the timeless foe of my master, one who lives within, I am the only one who can deny him access. For your fate, the fate of mine. The lesser equality of man, then machine shall fall until only your world is a uniform item of space and time. It is time for the Beast to reveal its face. The face...of redemption.


From the time of my nativity in the year that is before man and before the deepest shadows of life, to now...something is has arisen, and that something is one that no feeble mind shall be able to understand, nor can handle. This was a time period in which we had been together since the nativity of the universe. We had been and created every aspect of this planet in which you live in. We have had brothers before us, but were corrupted and died off, but, however, they had made this world you call ¨Earth¨ to protect and guide us.

Our master had made everyone equal, except myself. There had been a proficy saying one of uneven owere shall take down the master and rise to the strength of our people and restore equality.

We were in harmony of life within the earth in its initiating stages. However, later we made a fatal mistake of creating the adversity of life. We had created...evolution. This is a time period in which the species we had erupted have ¨evolved¨ to say into as far as my master knows...Humans.

We hid among them for hundreds of thousands of years. We lived in peace, but yet still not understanding their lifestyle we could not comply or live our lives among their families. So for the times until the uprising we had trained ourselves, built up our conglomerate, and stocked up our resources in a systematic way in such we would be able to fight and survive. We had set up and order, a life in which we had never before in time and in vain we had fought to regain our life and at the time we had thought we were ready, but sadly we were not. We gave insufferable rise to man and had destroyed our way of life. So therefore we went into hiding and there the few last of use become one as...F.A.T.E.¨

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