Story Time

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April 18, 2018, Justin's house, Sym, Georgia(Justin/John)

It was 9:00 pm now and me and John were heading to bed. It was Tuesday and the the sun was down. The crickets were chirping and the the night lit up with fireflies. I walked into my room and hopped into bed. The covers were warm and the pillow was soft. My room was pretty large and it had room for two or three small beds, but I was the only one who slept in it. My eyes slowly closed and I drifted off... (Three Hours later, John) ¨Justin!¨ I shouted, ¨wake the hell up!¨

He sat up swiftly; soaked with sweat and heavy breathing he looked at his hands and started sobbing. I knew what happened. He suffered another PTSD related nightmare. I asked him what happened, but he refused to talk about it. ¨Could I go outside¨, he said? ¨Sure,¨ said his mother.

(Justin) I walked outside and sat down in the grass. It was wet and cool. It calmed me. I looked on to the horizon. I keep always having these nightmares of recurrence of the accident. I have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) due to the accident. It was at this moment I thought...I will find out what the shrine is. I went back inside and talk to my mum. ¨Mum, John, can I talk to you?¨ ¨Sure¨ they said, They started talking and I listened.

(Mum) I guess I am sure you are ready for this. You are 16 and your are indeed ready. Years ago in the beginning of time there was an ancient race in and before space and time. They were going to die off, so they took a ¨man¨ whose name is not known. He continued a race that went before them he created and promised to create equality. But he created evolution and went into us, humans. You see, your father was a kind of this species. He was a protector. He married me and went on to have you as our child. Me? I am human, so you became a cross breed. This PTSD that you have? It is not PTSD. It is something inside you that had been hidden, but now is alive. ¨Tell him, and the rest¨, she said

(John) You see the master got greedy started to create ¨minions¨ so to say. They have been slowly growing and taking human form. Their goal is to take over earth and recreate their home world. I am one of the rogue created. (During this time a transformation of his form to his original happens). I am Sygot Trigo. I have been created amongst the people. I went rogue, I had become not the hater, but the hated. I am the last of my original kind. I have taken a human form to protect your father, but he refused. So The night he left me in order to show you the shrine. That is when death came upon him. Now it is your responsibility. ¨Wait, so let me get this straight, I am an alien cross breed made to protect this world?¨ ¨No¨ I said, ¨that is my job.¨ your job is to make sure the shrine is safe, for inside the shrine is a aniet relic known to us as the breaker. It is only wielded for the strongest of warriors. For this may be the end of the world.

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