Until Death do us Part

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August 16, 2018, Sym, Georgia

In the time before the destruction, before the hatred, we lived as humans did and felt and did everything they do, and I took the form as a boy named John Trik. This systematic ¨Book¨ I will tell you. My non-human natural name is Sygot Trigo, and this is my story.


¨Justin, Justin!¨ I called as I tried to make my way through the dense forest we were running through. It had a distinct smell of rain and moss, the sky was blue and partly cloudy. It was exactly 78.987 degrees outside and we were sweating through all the physical activity we have been doing. ¨Wait up!¨ I shouted. I finally caught up to him, and he was sitting against a tree, resting. ¨Wow, man you need to keep up, I havent had to run that slow since before you!¨ He said jokingly. We had been outside now for exactly 3 hours 32 min. and 19 seconds and counting. Me and Justin have been living in his new house ever since his father died in a car accident. They were driving down the interstate when a blue sedan came out of nowhere from their blind spot, and t-boned the drivers door. Jack (Justin's dad) have been hit hard enough to where the internal organs had shifted to his right side. His head had been bashed in with part of his spine sticking out through his neck. He was still breathing but was losing blood and conscious fast. Justin did all he could to save his father...

¨Dad, DAD!¨ I cried. His dead was bashed in and blood was pooling around me and soaking into my pants and shirt as I tried to stop the bleeding and stabilized his neck. ¨I am NOT Losing you...not today im not!¨ I had stabilized his neck by putting a sweatshirt under and managed to stop the bleeding in his brachial artery in his right arm. I knew inside he wouldn't live another 5 min., But near the end of 5:00 am, He struggled to open his eyes and he took his dying breath to say, ¨Justin, I love you so very much, but one thing I cannot stand is to lose you, I have one thing I need you to promise me...protect the shrine.¨ I did not know what the shrine was, but I knew I also loved him, and in my heart I knew I piece of me had died.

And with that he laid back and coughed up some blood and was laid to rest. ¨NO¨ I shouted. I stood up and stared down as the paramedics arrived on scene and the police pulled me and my mother back. It was starting to get light out by now. The sun was peeking over the horizon. I fell to my knees and sobbed. At that moment I realized, that I swear I shall put his breath to reality.

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