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"Do you like it?"

"I mean... maybe. I just thought... Yeah. I do. It's beautiful." My eyes were focused on his hands moving back and forth producing this noise. I never thought in a million years that the most popular boy in the school would play the piano for me. He was known for his amazing basketball skills. And he would never be caught in something so "nerdy". But here he was, playing solely for me.

"Thank you," he whispered as he continued his playing. By now I was right at the edge of the seat, making sure there was enough room for his arms as he played. It was mesmerizing and at the same time, I just wanted to pull away from everything and think. All of a sudden the music stopped and Tyler was looking down, his hands holding his knees.

"Tyler...?" He looked up at my face and before I knew it, he kissed my cheek before turning back to the piano.

"Could you possibly not tell anyone about this? I'd rather people not know." His face was now bright red and he was now shaking slightly. I took his hand and squeezed it slightly.

"Absolutely. I promise I won't tell anyone." I nodded my head up and down showing that I understood completely.

"Thanks. Umm. I'm going to go now. I should probably get back to class. See you tomorrow at lunch?" He asked as he started standing up from the piano, and covering up the keys with the cover.

"Sure," I said nervously as he leaned in and gave me one more kiss on the cheek before leaving. I put my face in my hands from embarrassment. Tyler Joseph had kissed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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