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Sirius Black lays on the ground, one leg outstretched in front of him, the other bent, knee raised to the sky. Grass tickles the exposed skin of his lower back as his shirt rides further up his spine. His head rests in the lap of the other boy, his dark locks of hair fall around his head like a halo.

Remus Lupin sits crossed legged in the grass, his hands searching for more daisies to pick and place in his boyfriend's hair. His lanky body is lost in the folds of his oversized jumper, ridden with holes and patched up with different colour thread, seemingly unaffected by the warm weather, aside from the sleeves bunched up to his elbows, revealing scarred forearms from multiple injuries and transformations.

Laughter fills the air as young Hufflepuffs play down by the shore, splashing in the water and picking up pebbles at an attempt to skim them. Remus looks up momentarily to smile at their failed trials, remembering his second year at Hogwarts, teaching the other marauders how to skim stones properly. That went about as well as this is now.

He looks back down at Sirius and notices he has drifted off to sleep. The corners of Remus' mouth lift into a smile and he says softly, "Pads, are you awake?" Sirius replies with a light snore which makes Remus chuckle.

He collects all the flowers he had picked earlier and starts to fiddle with the locks of hair splayed out in front of him, slowly intertwining daisies into Sirius' hair as a French braid forms. Remus would never be able to do this while Sirius was awake; he wouldn't be able to sit still long enough.

Soon enough, he's finished and is ultimately proud of his work. Sirius' head is covered in daisies, like a tiny meadow, and his braid went down to the neck of his t-shirt, flowers sticking out from each twist and turn.

Sirius still hasn't woken from his doze which gives Remus some peaceful time to just admire his boyfriend, something he can't do with company without teasing.

A strand of hair had fallen onto Sirius' closed eye which was usually a striking blue, contrasting drastically to Remus' own amber eyes. Poking out from his shirt was the moon and stars necklace Sirius never failed to wear. Remus always calls him an idiot for wearing it but, "It's us, Moony, it's us! The moon and the star, it's you and me! Oh Moony don't you get it?" Remus did get it, and secretly loved it. Sirius had abandoned his trademark leather jacket in the common room due to the hot weather. He was completely delighted when Lily had got him it for Christmas in fourth year because it's "punk rock". He gave the same reason when he got the cartilage in his ear pierced three times at the beginning of this year and, "No James, I wasn't crying. I had something in my eye."

Sirius is beginning to wake and brings a pen-covered hand up to his face and rubs his eyes open. There was a faint, fading mark on his right forefinger from where the Black family ring had sat, unmoved for many years until the boy had gotten so angry at the sight of it, that he threw it in the fire of the Gryffindor common room in a fit of rage. He was furious, at first, to find out that Remus had retrieved it from the fire, but now it's comforts him to see it on Remus' own finger, to know that it isn't part of the Black family anymore; and neither is he.

"He-ya Moony," Sirius smiled dreamily, "watcha staring at?"

Remus gives him the same loving look Sirius is giving him now and says, "The beautiful garden I've made in your hair."

Sirius' eyes widen and panic spreads across his face as he sits bolt upright. "What do you mean 'in my hair', Lupin? Remus what have you done to my hair?" His hands reach for the top of his head causing a few of the daisies to fall from his hair. "Moony...?"

"Come on Pads, I'll show you."

And off went Remus Lupin and a rather distressed Sirius Black, back into the castle and straight to their common room.

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