t h r e e.

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A week has passed since the incident with the daisies and Sirius Black has still not removed them from his hair. There are only a few left however, mangled and missing most petals from many nights of sleep. No-one can understand why he keeps them in. Doesn't he know there's a whole field outside full of newly bloomed flowers? Apparently not.

Nor has he taken out the braid Remus had done for him. It was messy and falling out, dirty from a week of not washing it. Greasy hair was not something usually associated with Sirius Black, and boy was he hearing about it from James. "Pads, if you're trying to look like Snivellus, it's working."

Even so, Sirius wore it like this everyday, to every class, strutting with more swagger than usual, as if he were modelling for Witch Weekly.

Remus secretly loved it.

Late in the Gryffindor common room whenever someone would comment on Sirius' hair, Sirius would loudly promote Remus as a "professional hair magician" to anyone and everyone around him. He was always so articulate.
One night he staggered onto a table so that everyone could hear him - after drinking a bit too much fire whiskey - then dipped Remus and kissed him in front of everyone, much to his embarrassment.

James thought it would be funny to try and pull one out of his Sirius' hair in transfiguration, which resulted in them both receiving detentions from McGonnagal because of a colourful string of curses from Sirius, and a quick trip to the infirmary for James who decided it was not funny after all. This event also caused Sirius to rant to Remus later in the common room about how when a shack starts shrieking it's "normal" and "haunted" but when he does it he's a "neuciance" and a "disruption to the class". Remus just sat by, smiling to himself as he watched his friends.

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