Chapter Seventeen: The Mission

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A/N: Hey guys! You might actually want to read this, just saying. I bolded that for this reason: 

I'm having a character contest! (on Quotev, so comment your answer there in the comments section of my story!)

My birthday is sometime in May, so I want you to guess my real age, and the day in May that my birthday is on! I will allot each person up to two guesses. With your guess, I want you to write me your full name and describe what you look like! (I don't need a photo). Send me your guess, your name and what you look like in the comments section of this story. All will be revealed when the next chapter of the book comes out, and I will announce the lucky winners of the contest on that day as well! I will accept guesses until Monday April 16th. This means that the next chapter will come out a little later than the usual.

Good luck guessing, and enjoy chapter seventeen!

- Harper E. Pierce

Six months later...

"Hilversum, Holland, Aden, Yemen, Isiro, Democratic Republic of Congo and Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Russia had been bombed by an unidentified enemy organization. There is supposed to be another bombing taking place in Elbasan, Albania in three days. We must prevent that from happening." Thaddeus Ross spoke in the Avengers meeting that he called.

"We've been working on finding out who this may be. We cannot seem to find out whether this is HYDRA or a new enemy organization." Natasha said back.

"HYDRA fell after I was rescued, so it couldn't be them," Dani remembered "speaking of missions, I haven't fixed or upgraded my suit yet. Nor have I been on any of the missions."

"Yes you have. You stopped the terrorist from bombing last week, you've been on tons of missions."

"I mean a real one, a difficult one, with an enemy organization, not like a small terrorist attack. Infiltrating a base, and stuff like that."

"You're not ready yet." Bucky argued.

"I second that." Tony agreed.

"I've been an Avenger for two years now, dad."

"You're still not ready," Tony voice grew louder.

"Yes she is, Tony." Ross interjected, "I added her to this team because I thought she was ready; it's my decision to add her to the harder missions, and I am dissatisfied at the fact that you refuse to add one of the most powerful assets of the team to your harder missions. You will add her to your next difficult mission, that's an order."

"Ross, she's my daughter, and she's not ready yet. She needs more training."

"Not on the job she's not. She's my employee and your co-worker in this room, and on the field, you will treat her as a co-worker,"

"Thank you. Speaking of which, I can kick your asses in combat, you've seen it before."

"Whatever. We'll add you to the next mission. It's in two days, so work your ass off," Natasha told her. Dani sighed happily and smiled, while Tony and Bucky scowled at Ross. "We'll take her, me, Rogers, Barnes, the elder Stark, Maximoff and Wilson. Barton will be back at home with his family."

"Yes, now get training. And Dani, get your suit fixed, you practically destroyed it in the last mission. Dismissed," Ross said. Bucky got up and left the room quickly, while Tony just grabbed Dani's arm.

"I don't want you doing this,"

"It's my choice,"

"You're going to get yourself killed,"

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