24- Siblings

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His relationship with your siblings (if you're an only child ur valid and Ily) ((also I filled in blanks like if they're older/ younger /female/male ect. If what I put doesn't apply to you I apologize pls ignore it)


-always playing Nintendo with them
-let's your little sister win, gives her a high five and she tackle-hugs him, causing them to be cuddling on the floor, laughing
-tries to beat your older brother, but he loses
-is a very good sport though ^ and shakes his hand, "good game, man."
-the actual sweetest boy
-such a fucking gentlemen oh my lord


-creates the best relationship with your little siblings
-whenever they see him, they tackle him  and say they missed him
-posts on Instagram selfies with them, captioned "Glad to see these little babies again. love youuuuu"


-super close with all of your siblings, no matter age or anything
-buys the Younger ones Ice cream (without you lol) and posts it on Instagram
-going to movies with your older ones (again with out you) and they both buy each other snacks
-again he posts selfies with them on Instagram^
-you don't care that he's doing stuff with them with out you, though, because you know he loves you better and will always put you before anyone else. Plus, you think they're cute when they hang out.


-has playful beef with your older brother (like Nic and Wyatt)
-acting as if they were siblings, and you're the person who's just there
-tells them he "hates them" on social media with a 😂 emoji
-"I love you, man." In real life


-acts like the dad to your little sister
-"hiya, princess!" Whenever he sees her
-when she cries, he always scoops her up and calms her down
-super charming it's wonderful
-you kiss him, "uh not in front of the child" he laughs
-but you do it anyway^^ and she always makes disgusted face, he giggled "ugh, I know right?"
-you just laugh because they're just the cutest

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