69 - virginity

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Chapter 69... so this is about losing your virginity to them. Haha I'm so mature.

If this makes you uncomfortable, then stop reading 😬

Aged 17+ except for Nic and bill, because they're sexy ages already.

It was a night with heat and humidity. I sat on the couch in my dorm room, cuddled up with my ramen and I watched The Office. Then I heard a sigh from the hallway, before the door was unlocked, and my boyfriend started walking over to me. His eyes towards the floor and his feet dragging beneath him as he languidly walked towards me. I looked up at him. When we made eye contact, I could see tears brimming his eyes. I immediately moved over on the couch, and he plopped down next to me. He buried his head in my chest, and wrapped his arms around my waist. Quiet whimpers escaped his lips.
"W-what's wrong?" I said, hugging him.
"I...I got fired again." He said, a soft crack in his voice which made my heart break.
"It wouldn't have happened if I'd been more... more focused? Or smarter?" I grabbed his chin and looked him in his hazel eyes.
"Don't say that. You're so... good." I smiled, and kissed his cheek.
"You're so good, and smart...and caring." Kissing his cheeks within each pause. Then I stopped, and we stared at each other in the eyes. In that moment, something was triggered within me. I smashed my lips against his roughly. And after a moment, he kissed back. His hands in my hair, and mine on his sides. He broke apart though, and looked at me. In a way as if to ask for 100% consent in what was about to play out, as he knew I was happy with waiting. But it was exactly what I wanted. I nodded and he reconnected us, and started pulling my jacket off for me. I was lucky. My first time was with someone I loved, and someone I know loves me. I wouldn't change a thing about it... except I might make it a little less hot and humid.

It was  winter of senior year, and around when things start to get hectic. Especially for my boyfriend, Finn. He has to balance testing, with his career, with the holiday season, with taking care of himself. It's difficult. But I think I know what I want to do to let him relax. With a very special date coming around the corner, December 23rd, I've come up with a birthday gift. Well, part of it. I've been waiting so long to lose my virginity, though, I've never hated being virgin. However, even though finn's been patient and understanding with my choices, he was far from virgin. And I couldn't help but feel as though he wants that from me. Even if he doesn't bring it to the surface.
Skip to 12/23
"Morning, birthday boy." I smiled, rolling over in bed to see him. As I stayed the night. He tilted his head to look at me, and kissed me. He mumbled 'morning' against my lips. This was my chance. I sat up and moved my leg to the other side of him, ending in a straddling position, and kissed from his jaw down his chest.
"W-what are you...doing?" He asked, I smirked.
"For part of your present, I wanted to... show you just how much I love you."
A ghost of a smile flickered across his face. But he stuttered out, "I...uh...I mean I really want to, but are you sure? You don't have to have sex with me just to show me how much you love me. If you're not ready, a sweater will do just fine."
"I'm ready. I promise. As long as you want to?"
And with that, he exploded. Flipping us over, his hands all over me, and his pink lips too.
Let's just say, the gift was an extreme success.

After my run, I was dead. I was on my couch, desperately clinging to my water bottle and wiping beads of sweat of my face. Cardio is not my forte. Soon, I was recovering. My breathing was normal, I was chilling in my kitchen in my sports bra and shorts. The things I ran in. The sound of the front door opening made my ears perk up, and head to the living room. I reached the room and greeted him and smiled. He grinned back, and looked me up and down before quickly shooting his eyes back to the TV he had turned on.
"H-hi." He said, still awkwardly avoiding eye contact. I plopped down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder, before he put his hand on my thigh. After a couple minutes, he extremely noticeably put a throw pillow over his lap. Causing a smirk to sprawl across my face and an idea sprung into my mind. My virginity wasn't something I was dedicated to saving, nor something I wanted to lose in an extravagant way, so losing now would be as good of a time as any.
"...want some help?" I asked softly, gesturing to his crouch.
"...you...you'd do that for me?"
"Yeah." I said with a smile, "why not?" Then, I took my sports bra off. Slightly unexpected on his behalf. But the stuttering and loving stares was the reaction I hoped for.

The Australian heat was intense to a non-native like yourself (if you are, just pretend). You were visiting Nics family, because he was so homesick. But since it was so hot, and you were alone in Nics old bedroom... you had only panties and a bra on. Nic was saying goodbye to his family, they were going to the store. He had no idea of what I was doing or wearing. I'd hate to be a tease, if he does come in, but it's so hot that I  could care less. I just wanna be comfortable.
I had a book in my hand, and a fan blasting on me. Then he walked in. I saw him holding in a groan and I stippled back a laugh. He tried to excuse himself, but I quickly stopped him.
"Nic...Wait." I said with a slight gulp, "if you're worked up because you wanna.. um... I-I think I'm ready."
His eyebrows slightly widened, as well as his eyes, and his lips slightly parted.
"Yes!" He exclaimed, "I mean, uh, why here?"
I shrugged and played with my fingers.
"Good welcome home? I guess?"
"...fuck yeah."

I did this in a weird order and this is sort of an odd and long subject to write about...so I didn't do all of them
I had a great idea for bill... however, since it's been confirmed that bill's girlfriend is pregnant (!) and bill's gonna be a father, I don't feel comfortable writing one for him lol. Sorry lmao.

^^^ LOOK! I'm so fucking excited for the two of them ❤️ I'll have to look past my huge crush on him, but I love this

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^^^ LOOK! I'm so fucking excited for the two of them ❤️ I'll have to look past my huge crush on him, but I love this.

I hope it's a girl 😊

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