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I woke up to banging on my bedroom door. I looked around, a bit confused. I was entangled with Cesar, who was surprisingly still asleep.

"If you don't open your door in ten seconds I'm busting it down Lani!" Jacob shouted, trying to wriggle the doorknob.

"Calm the fuck down, I'm coming." I responded, my voice hoarse. I opened the door, Jacob suddenly calming down.

"Get dressed, Santos time sis—oh, and bring Cesar too." He smiled, nodding. I groaned, closing the door. I didn't really think Jacob would go through with making me an actual Santos.

"What was that about?" Cesar positioned himself against the headboard.

"Jake says we gotta get up. Santos business." I sigh, knowing that Cesar hated this just as much as I did—if anything even more than me.

I quickly got ready, not wanting Jake to get mad and almost break down my door again. Cesar sat on the edge of my bed, watching me. I slipped on my shoes and looked at him.

"It's now or never." I say, looking through my rose tinted sunglasses.

"I wish it was never." Cesar got up, heading towards the door. I followed slowly behind him.

"Let me rephrase that; it's now or until our brothers drag our asses there."


We got to Cesar's house, and already Santos members were littering his front yard. I saw all eyes on me, or more like all eyes on my ass. I pulled myself closer to Cesar, who in return pulled me closer to him.

"Hey what's up lil xan?" Some guys greeted my brother. Jacob's 'hood name' used to be baby nyquil, but he outgrew it and now it's mine.

I guess it could be worse. I could be like Leo and have 'lil shitbag' be my name. And it could've been 'lil lil xan' like how Cesar's lil spooky.

We walked inside to the kitchen table, where Oscar and Jacob usually hung out together. But I knew today I'd have to do something.

"Took you long enough, pendejo." Oscar smiled, slapping Jacob's arm. Jacob took his usual seat, and I sat in mine.

Oscar turned to Cesar and I. I couldn't help but gulp in fear. I looked towards Cesar, who in return gave me a reassuring nod.

"Are you two ready for your first task as a new Santos and Santos baby?" My heart beat sped up a bit.

"Just tell us what we gotta do Oscar." Cesar spewed out, taking this much easier than I thought he would.

"First, when we do Santos business, I'm Spooky. No Oscar, just Spooky. And second, it's a drop off."

Drop off? Like a drug drop off? I couldn't wrap my head around the thought that my brother was one hundred percent okay with this.

He had always been so protective, now he's just letting me do a drug drop off? I shook my head, returning my attention to the two tattooed guys.

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