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"Hit it, hit it." Kehlani chanted, waiting for me to hit the dab rig. Kehlani was a professional stoner, got high almost everyday. As for me—not so much. I hated dabs, those shits are powerful.

But of course Kehlani was going to peer pressure me to hit it. Happened every time. Wasn't even considered peer pressure, just normalcy. Maybe it was just engrained in my brain to deny it at first, make her force me to do it, then just do it.

There was never a different outcome. The same usual one, I always took the hit. I closed my eyes, set my lips on the mouthpiece, and sucked in. My lungs were being filled with the dense smoke.

As soon as I exhaled I choked and spluttered. I rushed for the nearest water bottle. I gave Kehlani a glare as she sat laughing at me. This was the girl I was in love with.

"Baaaaaby lungs." She sang, swaying herself back and forth. Her eyes were barely open, and from those small whites I could see how red they were. She took the rig, took the wax pick, and finished off the rest of it.

A swirl of smoke erupted from her coconut lip balm covered lips. She tried to eat the smoke, mirroring that one dude from the Breakfast Club. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a bag of chips.

"You're a real asshole you know that." I laughed, grabbing some chips and sloppily placing them in my mouth.

"Love you too puto." She scrolled through the Netflix titles, none of the movies or shows enticing her. Finally she ended up on That 70's Show. Kehlani always talked about how close she was to finishing the show.

Once the beginning credits started to play she started getting comfortable. She moved her bag to the floor and wrapped herself up in a blanket. I give her ten minutes until she's passed out for the night.


6:37. How the hell did I wake up so early? My throat feels dry as shit and my whole body feels like jelly. I turned to Kehlani, still knocked out. I swear she could sleep for the whole day if she didn't get hungry so much.

Quietly I got off the bed, going into the kitchen for something cold to drink. Grabbing the bottle of water I walked to the front. The sun was starting to come up and I loved the colors.

I made sure to grab a blanket from the living room before I went out. There was a couch in the front lawn, and from there was a perfect view of the sky. Of course there were some trees but it just added to the scenery.

As slowly as possible I shut the front door, trying to make as little noise as possible. If I woke Oscar up he would have body slammed me into next week. He hated when someone woke him up when he had a hangover. And no doubt from the amount of cans that littered the living room, I knew his ass was fucked up. After successfully shutting the door I turned to the couch. Awe shit.

"Jacob? What are you doing up?" Sitting on the couch was Jacob. His body sunken into the cushions. How in the hell was he up so early? Usually the two of them wouldn't wake up until after three.

"I'm watching the sunrise. I always do." He turned to me real quick before going back to staring at the sky. I sat down next to him.

"You watch the sunrise?"

"Yeah. Everyday. I set an alarm for five in the morning. No matter what. It tells me that no matter what happens, the next day will roll around. The sun will rise again. Some philosophical shit."

"Yo, that was deep. For real." I nodded my head. I never really had a vulnerable moment with Jacob. I always thought he was just tough. Heartless. No soul. But it turns out he has a soft spot.

"But what the hell are you doing up? I know you two got high as fuck last night."

"Cotton mouth—I think. I just woke up all of a sudden. Just jolted awake. I was surprised too."

"I saw on some YouTube psychology video and it said that one cause of that is guilt. Like when you have a secret or some shit and you feel guilty or scared."

"Since when do you watch psychology videos?" I rose my brow. Why the hell is he watching psychology videos?

"I watch them when I smoke, that shits mad interesting. But what's the secret?" Jacob turned to look at me. My eyes darted from him to the ground. For a dumb ass he was kind of smart.

"There's no secret." I shrugged. I knew I had to play it cool.

"Cesar, I've watched enough YouTube psychology videos to know you're lying. I see it in your eyes. And body language. I'm like a fuckin' psychologist."

I was easy to crack under pressure. Just like Jamal. Especially with someone like Jacob. I knew I had to change the subject quick. If I didn't then there could be the chance of saying something I don't want him to know.

"If you don't  just shut the fuck up and watch the god damn sunrise—" I shoved his face upwards, showing that the colors of the sky were changing from dark blues to lighter purples and pinks.

"You're lucky the sunrise is so fuckin beautiful cause if not I would've beat your ass." He laughed, his eyes still glued to the sky.

I had to admit it looked amazing. No wonder he got up every single day to do this. It was calming. A nice thing to look at. My mouth hung a bit open, I was a little struck by how pretty it was.

Next it changed from lilacs to yellows. Then from those buttery yellows came orange. Followed by a fiery red. It all came to and end, and the sky was just a normal sky. The plain old regular sky.

I sighed in content and took a swig of water. This was something I knew I had to do with Kehlani. It would be an all new experience.

"By the way, I'll get that secret out one day." Jacob smiled, walking back inside the house. Awe fuck.

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