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*wrote this while I was high so tell me if there's any mistakes :)


"Good morning sunshine." Cesar flicked my face, which made me pull the blanket over my head. The weed slump had hit me hard. My eyes felt heavy and my face felt numb. I was envious that Cesar was perfectly fine, with me being the more experienced.

"Just give me a dub." I groaned. I shut my eyes, a wave of coolness inhabiting my body. I was consumed by the cannabis induced brain melting feeling. I was in the midst of a kush coma.

"No, because those twenty minutes turn to an hour. Then that hour turns into five. I know how you get Lani." In one quick sweep he had pulled the blanket from me, which exposed me to the cool air from the fan. "And besides, we have mucho importantè things to do today my love!"

My face scrunched together with a feeling of distaste in my mouth. That's the thing I hated about blunts, they'd leave that nasty ass tobacco taste in your mouth. A chilling feeling surged down my spine and I writhed my body in an attempt to get rid of it. In all honesty I was about to smack the shit out of Cesar.

"You're a fucking asshole Cesar." I threw a pillow at his smug face. Rolling myself off of the bed I headed straight to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. My blunt breath was starting to bother me.

In a small corner of Cesar's bathroom counter was my little place. My face washes, some makeup, and some stray Bobby pins were right next to the toothbrush cup, which held two toothbrushes. I smiled at the thought that he had put one there for me. 'It was inevitable, babe, you spend like half the week here anyways.'

Our lives have become so intertwined at this point it almost scares me. From our brothers to our friend group it's as if we were almost the same person. Living almost identical lives.

I appreciated the differences we shared. Cesar wants to do big things. He wants to build skyscrapers and monuments. He wants to put something on this earth that would last forever. I on the other hand don't want to do shit.

I just want to smoke and have fun. I'll probably end up becoming a plug or something in the cannabis industry. I don't want to work a 9 to 5. I want to be able to do what I want to do whenever I want to.

Cesar was the one to ground me, and I was the one to lift him up. Not a day goes by where I don't thank the God and the universe that they made Cesar Diaz my best friend. Because without him I'd probably be drunk in a ditch somewhere.

"If you don't hurry the fuck up we're gonna be late for registration." I could hear Cesar digging through a drawer. Probably trying to find one of his hundreds of combs he keeps but stays losing.

"Alright, alright don't get your chonies in a twist." I looked at myself once more in the mirror, giving a little cocky smirk. I turned around and grabbed Cesar, heading towards the door.

"So how'd you sleep?"

"I was knocked the fuck out. Straight weed coma. Had the hangover too." I felt like it was karma for teasing Cesar about having baby lungs.

"Sounds tough. I slept like a baby, woke up at 6 and watched the sunrise with your brother. Then I went and ate some cereal, watch some cartoons. Went back to bed for a bit."

"Pause—you said you what with my brother?" He said everything so casual like it could have been something normal from routine. But Cesar and Jake weren't two of the closest people.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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