Chapter Four: Welcome Home

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 A/N: And finally, the chapter that actually has something to do with none other than, Cody Simpson. This chapter is going to pretty much introduce Cody and his family and friends and Cody’s thought about his trip to Australia and all that jazz. I hope you all are enjoying this story; lots of things are in store for the future chapters! Thanks for reading! Enjoy!




Finally!! We finally get to come back to the Gold Coast and just have a fun, relaxing summer here. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been able to just sit back and enjoy the view, ya know? With concerts and interviews and meet-and-greets, it’s just all a bit too much sometimes. I mean, I love my fans, but I still need time to just be me, and what better place to do that than my hometown?

We were driving down my street with our trucks behind us and it doesn’t look like anything has really changed, home sweet home. We kept driving until we finally got to our house, which was at the very end of the street. We never sold it to anybody because we knew we would come back eventually, so we just allowed family members to stay here when they needed it. But now we’re refurnishing it for the summer, which is great!

We all got out of our car and us kids, me, Alli, and Tom, ran inside to feel at home again.

“It’s still just as beautiful as when we left it!” Alli exclaimed and then she ran upstairs to her room.

“Whoa! I could hardly remember this house!” Tom added and then he ran to the game room, which was probably empty. I mean, we left our beds and the main stuff needed for a home, but everything else we brought with us to Los Angeles.

All of a sudden I heard three very familiar voices coming from outside, I turned around and looked out my window to see my three best friends Campbell, Jake, and Josh all out in my front yard. The biggest smile came upon my face as I ran out to greet them.

“Yo, Cody!!” Josh greeted. I gave them all bro hugs; it’s so good to see them again.

“What’re you doing here, man?!” Campbell asked excitedly.

“Me and the fam are back for the summer! My management said I’ve earned a break so these next three months are all mine to just chill and have a good time.” I explained. I’m so happy that I finally get to be back home again with my buds and with the beach, it’s just gonna be such a great summer.

“Uh… Cody, do you mind helping your mother and I?” My dad, Brad, asked.

“Right, sorry!” I said as I went over to help bring everything inside, my buds helped out too.

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We finally finished bringing everything inside and now’s the super fun part, unpacking. Yippee! NOT! Unpacking is my least favorite thing to do, but hey! We’re in Australia, so why not? I unpacked everything into my room and everyone else did the same.

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We finally had everything all set in the house at 4:30 PM. The boys, Alli, and I were gonna go to the beach and Tom was gonna stay home and play games all day, which is his usual. I grabbed my surfboard and we all walked down to the beach, and thankfully we weren’t mobbed by anybody. When we finally got to the beach, I realized just how much I missed this place. There were tons of girls everywhere, and damn they’re all so beautiful! Maybe it’s time for me to have a summer romance, that’d be nice.

Summertime of Our Lives: A Cody Simpson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now