Chapter Five: Memories and Mistakes

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 A/N: So this is chapter five! We can finally get things moving, I’m so excited for the upcoming chapters! I hope you all like this chapter and I don’t want to keep you waiting, so thanks for reading! Enjoy!




Alli and Jake were taking FOREVER to get the snacks from downstairs, and I’M HUNGRY!!!! I got up from my room and went downstairs to see what was taking so long. All I heard was Jake saying, “Why would Cody do that?” …. Why would I do what?

“Why would Cody do what?” I smiled as I walked towards them. All I saw was Jake’s face go slightly red and Alli had a look on her face like, ‘Oh shit!’ “Come on guys, you can tell me.” I joked at them.

“Co—“ Jake started and then Alli cut him off.

“Maria.” Alli added. Maria? Who the hell is--? Oh… Maria…

“And why the hell would you be telling him any of that, Alli?! That was supposed to stay between us and our family. Nobody else!!” I have to admit, I’M PISSED!!!! Nobody else was supposed to know that I didn’t want to be in contact with her.

“Cody, I’m sorry, I just—“ Alli tried.

“Forget it.” I cut her off. I went outside and sat on the deck and just had a lot on my mind. Why would Alli bring her up? I don’t want to remember her.

Okay, so I know I sound like the biggest jerk alive for saying I don’t want to remember Maria, but I have my reasons. Maria and I were inseparable. We were with each other every single day. She was my best friend. I could tell her anything and everything. She was so beautiful too! I felt so guilty for leaving her behind, I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye to her, it was just so hard. And so that’s why I didn’t, but I know it probably wasn’t the best idea. I really did care about her, and some of me still does. A part of me will always care about her, but what I felt before I left Australia was more than that. I mean, Maria and I never dated, but we were definitely more than friends. No we never kissed or anything like that, well unless you count on the cheek, but that’s not an actual kiss. But we were more than best friends, just less than a relationship. Ya know what I mean? Some of me still feels that for her, but I know I have to get over it. She probably doesn’t even live here anymore and she probably doesn’t want to talk to me anyways. And I gotta say, I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t wanna talk to me either.

Alli came out on the deck and sat down next to me.

“I’m really sorry, Cody.” She said with her sad eyes.

“It’s fine.” I said with a sad-sounding voice.

“I really miss her.” Alli added. What did I do? This was such a bad idea. I never should’ve forced Alli to not say goodbye to Maria. Maria and Alli were pretty close too. They had sleepovers almost every night and they were together whenever Maria and I weren’t. I tore Alli away from her best friend too, and I did it in such a horrible manner.

“Alli… Do you think it was a mistake not saying goodbye?” I’m starting to feel so horrible about what I did.

“Well… I don’t know if it was a mistake or not, but I wish we would’ve said goodbye.” She said, sounding sadder than me. I think I even saw a tear fall from her eye onto the steps of the deck.

“Alli, I’m really sorry.” I said looking at her. She looked to me with sad eyes and I threw my arms around her and hugged her tight and she hugged me back.

“So… What’re you gonna do?” Alli asked me. Honestly… What can I do? I don’t even know what Maria looks like now.

“I don’t really know what I can do…” I said.

●             ●             ●             ●             ●

It was about 9:00PM, all of our mates had gone home, so it was just my family in the house now. Alli came in my room, which was finally completely furnished, holding a box that she found.

“Cody… This was still here.” She said walking in and sitting down next to me.

“What is it?” I asked taking the box from her.

“It’s the box that you left with everything reminding you of Maria…” She answered.

I opened the box and saw pictures of Maria, Nora, and I. I even put our friendship bracelet in the box. There was a piece of crumped up paper in there too so I pulled it out and read what it said.

Dear Cody,

I can’t believe we’ve been friends for so long! You’re the most amazing person ever! I When we promised to always and forever be best friends, I knew that that promise would never be broken! You’re my very best friend and nobody will ever change that! I hope you have an amazing day today! And I know you’re going to be busy with family and everything, but I’d like to see you sometime today, even if it’s at two in the morning, you know where we keep the extra key! Happy 13th Birthday, Codes!



I felt tears coming to my eyes, and then one rolled down my cheek and fell to my lap.

“Aw, Cody! You’re crying! What is that?” Alli asked looking at the paper.

“It’s a note from Maria that she gave me to read for my 13th birthday.” I broke that promise… It’s all my fault. How could I be so stupid? She’s never going to forgive me.

“So it made you cry?” Alli asked confused.

“I broke our promise…” I said looking to Alli.

“Maybe this was a bad idea, I’ll just go put it aw—“ Alli tried grabbing the box from my hands but I just couldn’t let her take it.

“No!! Leave it, I want it.” It was a big mistake leaving this here. I’m so mad at myself for doing what I did. I wish I could make it up to Maria, all I have is our memories.

“Cody…” Alli said looking at me worriedly.

“I’m fine, Alli. I’m just… I’m just gonna go to bed and get some sleep. Goodnight.” I said setting the box under my bed and walking over to my closet. Alli just sat there like a bump on a log. “Uh… Do you mind? I’m gonna change into pajamas…” Come on, Alli! Privacy please! She got up from the floor and closed the door when she left.

Of course I’m not actually going to sleep. How can I when all I’ve been thinking about is Maria?!? I wanna know how she is, what she looks like, who she’s friends with, what she likes to do, if she still has our friendship bracelet, everything!! WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID CODY?!? YOU’RE SUCH AN ASS FOR LEAVING HER BEHIND WITHOUT EVEN SAYING GOODBYE!!!!!!!!

I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone off the bedside table and tried searching for her online. What did I find? Nothing!! Absolutely nothing!! I must be the worst friend on the planet. She probably doesn’t ever want to see me again. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought my family back to Australia for summer. I could’ve brought them to Ireland or Italy or something. I just hope this summer won’t be as horrible as I think it’s going to be now. Maybe I’ll find her, just maybe. It’s a one out of a million chance, but hey, getting discovered on YouTube and becoming a pop star is a one out of a million chance too. I can always hope.


So that’s the end of chapter five! Sorry that it's a bit shorter than the previous chapters but what do you think of it? Do you like it? I hope so! What happens next on Cody’s journey for his summer in Australia? Find out in the upcoming chapters of “Summertime of Our Lives.” Thanks for reading!


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