After Dinner

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After dinner, they all went to the parlor to have a nightcap. The Cinza - Harmaa parlor was as large as Rosso's bedchamber. There was a huge fireplace. Beautiful woven tapestries and priceless maestros arts, original not mere copies like the ones at the Roois mansion, hung on the walls.

The Rooi presented Liath and Lady Cinza with gifts. Lady Cinza received a beautifully carved brooch with an opal in the middle and tiny diamonds circling the oval pin, "Made from the finest opal from our biggest mine in Orken." Lord Rooi said. Liath received a beautiful red silken scarf threaded with gold, "Woven by the finest artisan in our employ. Rosso had one handkerchief made from the same fabric."

After graciously thanking them, Lady Cinza placed the box with the brooch on the table next to her glass of wine. The Roois were apt to exaggerations, they never owned a mine, they only had a 30% share in one of the Pilkas mine in Orken. They surely didn't employ an artisan working exclusively for them, they had the scarf made by the BlackWings at their marketplace.

"Lord Harmaa, I heard that you are building stone barracks for all your miners, equipped with central heating. Don't you think it's bad to start mollycoddling them? You give them calves, they will ask for thighs and when you know it, you'll go limbless!" Lord Rooi said. "I say their fine shanties were grand enough. See, if you give your miners these luxuries, other miners will want them too and this will cause discord among the other mine owners. The overhead would double, tripled even in more hostile areas like Lumi and Gungla."

"Lord Rooi, have you ever been to Morsterra? The whole land is hostile for habitation, nobody should be living there at all. This is no act of kindness, it's just common courtesy." Lord Harmaa offered a cigar from his humidor to Lord Rooi and Rosso.

Lord Rooi took one. "You are too kind, my lord. Those miners work for us, not the other way around. Why waste money on unnecessary costs? I'm not speaking for all mine owners, but I think they won't like this one bit. This 'little act of kindness' will cause riots and discord, some have spoken privately to me, knowing well how close our friendships are, Lord Harmaa."

"I don't give a flying fish what the other owners think! It's up to them if they want their miner turnover every fortnight. It takes experience to mine. Not just able bodies. Anyway, if they can't afford to build a stone barracks for their miners, then so be it. It's not my problem." Lord Harmaa said.

Rosso just sat near them and nursed his bourbon. His father's business meetings bore him to death, although he knew that was how his father had amassed most of their riches, by skimming off the top of every business deals that passed through him. The Senate surely didn't pay for the fine three-piece suit he wore tonight.

Lord Harmaa and Lord Rooi civil verbal sparring continued on as the night slowed down. Liath, her mother, and the mother-daughter set of Roois sat down playing cards nearby. Lady Cinza kept shush-ing her husband when he became too rambunctious. Lady Rooi ignored her husband to concentrate on her game. She still lost. Liab was a gracious guest; she pretended to be engrossed in the game and faked being devastated every time she lost. If there is a Miss Congeniality in Svarga, Liab would be the unbeatable winner. That was her charm, she was the most likable of the Roois. Liab was kind but she tried too hard sometimes it annoyed Liath. She was way better than other RedWing ladies though, for all the tittering and simpering behind their fans.

The night ended when Lady Rooi complained of a headache after listening to 'men talk' when actually she was losing more than half of what was in her purse to Lady Cinza. Liab rubbed her stomach as she finished a whole bowl of sweets. She had a sweet tooth and Lady Cinza had ensured that the toffee sweets would help to quieten her.

"It was a pleasant night, if it wasn't for these men, ya? We should come together again and play cards. Really, we should. Let's make it a weekly affair! It's wonderful! Wouldn't you say it's wonderful, sweetie?" Lady Rooi asked Liab. Who sparkled and nodded as if it was the best idea since the invention of blending sponge. "Yes! It's a lovely idea! Just the four of us, NO MENFOLK & Men talk!" Sweet and cloying like honey.

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