of Progression

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Orella's hand quivered, she had no clue what to do. I scrambled towards her and hovered my hands, hoping to heal her. I imbued her, increasing the output as I saw nothing changing. I healed and healed, until finally I saw some of the darkness start to fade. At the same time, I felt my legs wobble. The rest of the group huddled around me, trying to think of what they could do to help.

"Ori, can you help heal Wu while he's healing you?" Rolf asked.

"I-I'll try," she replied.

Orella gradually picked up her slightly broken mirror, drawing a rune on me that seemed to invigorate me. I became a bit more stable as I put all of my effort into removing the black veins on Orella's hand. Slowly but surely, the continuous loop of healing aided in Orella's recovery, as we both released with a breath of relief to the ground. Everyone sat down on the grass, wondering what to do about everything.

"We need to find someone to fix the mirror before we run into Dhari or anyone else again," Ena suggested.

"How about we go back to Koung?" I inquired.

The town center had numerous amounts of people, and it did hold some information before. I wanted to find either another Jyn user or a popular library to help us out.

"Let's head over and scout out libraries," Rolf agreed.

I began to think about what information I could possibly gather. Although these Jyns have endless secrets, it's always a gamble as to which abilities people end up finding. There has to be some way to figure out—

"Wait, Orella. Do you think your mirror could still work and tell the future?" I asked hurriedly.

"She can tell the fu-"

"I think so," Orella answered, interrupting the shocked voices of Ena and Rolf.

Orella conjured a puddle of water with the help of Rolf and dipped her mirror in. Her eyes began to brighten and her Jyn glimmered in the water. Gentle winds of air brushed her sleeves and her dress, letting them flutter against the elements. Her hair lifted in the air ever so slightly as her eyes became more and more golden. By the climax, Orella's mirror and eyes were the same golden color that characterized Jyn's so well. She opened her mouth and let out a sigh as images flooded her mind and rapid bursts of sounds and information circled her. Orella repeated everything she heard, resulting in her whispering rapidly and confusingly.

"Ah, I see. Right this way."

Cold marble encased the prize.

"It says, 'Kin: A Cyclical Legend' on the front."

The elder smirked knowingly.

"I believe the staff is the strongest one."

"Please be careful out there!"

She skipped over happily.

"Ena. Show us. Now," Rolf ordered, grabbing him by the collar.

Orella ended her ritual abruptly as she gasped at the last thing she heard. She looked over at all of us, then stared at Ena, who tilted his head back unknowingly.

"So... Are we going to get a recap?" Ena asked.

"Y-yeah! It seems like we do end up going to a library, I'm assuming somewhere near Koung. There's four— n-no three things that stood out. Marble surrounding a bookcase or section of sorts, a book that says "Kin: A Cyclical Legend," and an elder." Orella recalled hesitantly.

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