Chapter Fifteen~ The Stares

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Jessica's POV

So the weekend passed by quite fast and now it was Monday. So I woke up and changed into a simple dress and converse then left to the garage were I got in my car and left to school. I got to school and saw Liza's and Karyme's cars next to each other so I parked my car next to them. I soon saw them walking towards the school so I ran to catch up to them. We walked inside the school and soon noticed that every girl was giving us the death stare.

"What's up with the murdering looks?" I asked Liza and Karyme.

"Well that's what happens when you start dating one of the cutest guys in this school." Liza answered

"Did it happen to you?" I asked

" Yup" Liza answered

"Yeah its not that bad when you think of it" Karyme said.

"But its annoying like seriously get a life. Plus if looks could kill we would all be dead by now" I said looking away from all the people staring at us and we all laughed. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my waist.

"Hey babe" I heard Nash whisper. I turned around and playfully hit him.

"Dumbass you scared me!" I told him

"Yea Jessica I love you too" he said then kissed me.

"Aww you two are just so annoying" said Liza looking at us with a sarcastic cute face.

"Aww I know so are you and Cameron" I said giving her the same look.

"Biatch" I heard her whisper

"You too Liza" I said then we all left. Each to our respective class.

I was sitting down in algebra class talking with Liza since Cameron, Ingrid and Niall hadn't walked in yet.

"Jessicaaaaaaaaa!" I heard Ingrid say as she walked in.

"Ingriiiiiiiiiiiiiid!" I said standing up to hug her and she ran up to me and did so.

"And that's why we can tell you're stepsisters" Liza said looking at us with disgust since she actually never really liked Ingrid but since she was my stepsister she had to deal with her. Finally class began and we all sat down but Niall and Ingrid sat on a different table. I didn't say anything and just continued paying attention to our algebra lesson. At the end of class we were all walking out the door when I felt someone push me and I fell. Soon I noticed that Liza had also been pushed. We looked up to see Brianna looking down at us.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you!" she said fakely.

"Dumbass" I murmured then stood up and helped Liza stand up also and now we only had a minute to get to our next class if we didn't want to be late so we just ran to PE class.

After being stared at for 8 hours of my life school finally ended for today. I went home not wanting to talk to anyone because of how exhausted I was and later today me, Karyme and Liza had soccer practice and I was the coach of the team but I also played. So I went to my house and changed into my soccer uniform and grabbed my bag with clothes then a cooler that had enough water and powerade for everyone on the team and also all the soccer balls we were gonna use that day then left to school in my car. I arrived at schools and noticed that everyone was outside the locker rooms waiting for me to arrive with the equipment.

"Okay girls before we start we're going to run four laps around the field to warm up so let's go" I said and all of us started running. After finishing our four laps I told them to practice since they already knew what to do and I went to sit down since I had always had problems breathing after running a long distance or for a long time. After like 20 minutes I got up and told the girls to do squats and pushups. I was also doing that because I also played and I wanted to be in shape for a game if not I couldn't play. After 10 minutes of exercise we all head home. I got home and showered after that I put on my pajamas and I fell asleep.










I got bored and decided to write I've spent two hours of my life I will not get back in a hospital for my nan's analysis and there's a woman that is getting really annoying and is talking really loud I need a butter knife!!!!!! 


QOTD: Who is your favorite superhero?




Spiderman! ← ("spider")

Wonderwoman ❤

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