Chapter Ten~ Brianna

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Liza's POV

I felt guilty not because I hadn't talked to Jessica but because she was in the hospital. She was always there for me ( a.n. idk if its true but you know I have a huge imagination) through everything. She was the best person I could of met (other than Karyme) and I failed her.   Brianna will pay for this.

"So what days are we going to stay because we need someone to be here everyday I don't want Brianna to try anything else." said Cameron. We all talked for a while and since we were 15 and she was gonna stay for a week this in the list we made:

Tonight (Tuesday): Liza,Cameron,Niall

Wednesday: Karyme, Hayes

Thursday: Shawn, Matt

Friday: Nash

Saturday: Justin, Jack G.

Sunday: Harry, Jack J.

Monday: Taylor, Aaron

Tuesday: Carter, Niall (again xd)

Wednesday: All of us

And we did so. Me, Cameron and Niall stayed there the whole night.

"Liza" was the first thing Jessica said as she started waking up in the morning obviously we told Niall that she said his name. (Anti jealously).

"Yea Jess I'm here I'm so sorry for not talking to you its cause me and Karyme got a text from Brianna saying that it was you and that you didn't want us to talk to you but I was stupid enough not to ask you why in person and now because of me and Karyme you're here" I said at the border of tears and gladly Cameron and Niall were asleep.

"Its okay" she said silently because she was still quite weak.

"Rest we'll have time to talk later I'm not going to school I'll stay here." I said and after that she fell asleep, slowly then all at once.

When the guys woke up I told them I was not going to school but they were and as the guys they are they insisted on staying and me going but after like ten minutes of contradicting them they finally accepted.

Niall's POV

Me and Cameron left to school and when we arrived there Brianna and Rachel ran up to us.

"So I heard both of your girlfriends are dead maybe now you can consider dating us" said Brianna.

"Not even in a million years" we said and left.

"How do they know that she's in the hospital Cam?" I asked him.

"Dude come on they were the ones that planned this." said Cameron in an obvious tone.

We went to class and in lunch time we were quickly attacked with questions from all the guys and Karyme with who stayed with her and were was Liza and stuff like that.  When they finally shut up we told them what happened and reminded Karyme and Hayes that it was their turn to stay today.

After school me and Cameron headed to a flower shop and bought three large bouquets of roses one for Liza and two for Jessica. We also bought two stuffed animals for Jessica. Cameron bought her a horse and I bought her a teddy bear.

We arrived at the hospital and walked into the room Jessica was in and Liza told us not to make noise since Jessica had just fallen asleep. Cameron gave Liza her bouquet of roses and the stuff for Jessica we put it on a large table in the corner of the room.

An hour or so later Karyme and Hayes walked in with two stuffed animals and a bouquet of tulips.

Jessica was already awake and Karyme gave Hayes the stuff she was carrying and ran towards Jessica and hugged her being careful not to hurt her and after Hayes left the stuff in the same place we had left it and did the same Karyme did.

"Thanks" Jessica said weakly.

"You're welcome girl just please shut up don't want you to waste your energy!" said Karyme quite yelling at her, but she was right, Jessica couldn't waste energy.

"You all should go rest me and Karyme will take care of her" said Hayes.

"Bye girl please take good care of her" said Liza while hugging Karyme.

We left each to our respective houses.

Karyme's POV

Me and Hayes stayed in the hospital all night taking care of her and even though she was weak she never lost her sense of humor. I ditched school the next day but I told Hayes to go. We talked all day about the stupidest things until Hayes walked in with a stuffed animal and two dozen balloons "Karyme texted me telling me to bring you stuff" Hayes said kissing Karyme and hugging me afterwards.

"Well Shawn and Matt should be here any minute and you should rest" I told Jessica and she mumbled something then started falling asleep. Half way through her sleep Shawn and Matt arrived with stuffed animals.

"There's not going to be enough room to put these afterwards" we heard Jessica weakly say.

"Come on Jessica you have a two floor house with like seven bedrooms how would they not fit" said Shawn and you could hear his sass.

Me and Hayes left and Hayes slept over at my house.

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