Becks Party

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Cameron's pov.
I walk in to the bustling house. The sound of a basting stereo and the smell of alcohol hits my face. What am I doing here. I dont go to party's. I look around to find someone I know. I see Julia and some kid from my home ec class. I walk over.
"Hey guys," I say.
"Hey you made it," Julia screams obviously tipsy, "I'll get you a drink." She barely gets up and stumbles to the table.
"Your in my home ec class right?" the guy says to me.
"Yeah, Jace right?" I say.
"Yep," he says,"and you're Cameron."
"Yeah," I say feeling awkward. We make small talk until Julia gets back. She hands me a beer and I take a sip. It tastes awful. I drink it for the sake of drinking it. Julia sees a friend and runs over to her.
"Its just you and me," Jace says.

Jaces pov.
Julia left me alone with some kid I barely know. I dont know what to say. We already made small talk.
"So you like going to partys?" He asks me.
"No, I just come to come," I say.
"Becks house is nice," he says.
"Yeah, I used to come over all the time when we were best friends in middle school," I say, " wanna see something cool?"
"Sure," he says with a hint of excitement in his voice. I take him up to a room I was quite familiar with. I walk in the room and immediately noticed what I came to show him.
"What is this room?" He askes a little freaked out.
"Her grandma collects old timey dolls. She says it reminds her of her childhood," I say, "This one is my favorite." I pull down a doll who is missing an eye.
"Woah, freaky," he chuckles. I hand it to him and our fingers touch. We dont move or pull away. We sat there and looked into each others eyes. I then pulled away. He drops the doll and leans in to kiss me. I know I shouldn't, I know I should tell him no. I dont, I let him kiss me.

Cameron's pov.
I don't know what I'm doing. But I feel this wave of emotion. I feel a thousand butterflies in the pit of my stomach.
"We can't do this here. They are watching," I motion over to the dolls.
"Your right come with me I know where the guest room is," Jace says. He walks me to the guest room. I lock the door behind us and we resume kissing. My hormones take over and I lose control over my body. I pick him up and throw him on the bed. I dont know what to do. I have never seen gay sex. We pull our shirts off and rub each others body. He is so sexy. I grab his dick through his pants and he let's out a moan. I start to rub more aggressively until he rips his pants off. I look down at his shaven cut cock. I start to rub it as we lay side by side. Jace starts to rub my painfully hard cock through my pants.

Jaces pov.
I start to touch his coverd dick. I want to rip these shorts off of him. I start to pull his pants and underwear down. I take his cock in my hand and rub it. It feels thick but I dont look down to confirm. He starts to take charge and pulls my legs apart. I feel his finger go inside me and not long after two more join. I am so scared. I haven't done anything like this before.
"Ride me," he says. I jump on him immediately. I am ready to feel him inside me. I slowly sit on his cock. I have trouble fitting it in but then I  start to slowly ride him trying to go all the way down every time. It hurts like hell but I get through it. He impatiently thrusts his hips up.
"Shit, that hurts," I say.
"Sorry,"  he says. He then sits up and puts one hand on my back and the other is supporting him.

Cameron's pov. 
I sit up ready to take control. I feel his lightly muscled back. I kiss and suck on his pecks. I can feel his head go back as I start to trust. I go slow at first then when I think he is used to it I go faster. We are both moaning and grunting. I can tell I'm about to cum.

Jaces pov.
He picks up his pace and I assume he is about to cum. I feel his dick hit something in my ass and my back arches from the pleasure. I sink my fingers into his ripped back trying not to be too loud. He keeps hitting it and I suddenly cum all over his abs.

Cameron's pov.
I feel a warm liquid hit my body. I look down to see Jaces cum. This sets me off. I start to ram his ass harder that I ever have. I feel a warmth spread through my body as my cock erupts.
"That was great," he says trying to catch his breath.
"Yeah, but we better get back to the party," I tell him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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