The Big Four

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"Mommy!" Kenny yelled as he ran into the kitchen.

"Yes babe?" I smiled down at him as he pulled my leg.

"When is John gonna get here?" He whined.

"I don't know go play with your friends" I shooed him away.

When I finished icing the cake the doorbell rang.

"Hey!" Jasper said as he and Jess walked in.

"Hi!" I smiled. "You came"I asked kissing them.

"Of course" Jess said. "We got gifts"

"Over there" I pointed to the dining room table that was piled with gifts.

I began to close the door but a foot stopped it. I looked up and it was Bradley.

"Hey!" I said. "I'm sorry I didn't see you" I hugged him.

"It's alright" he smiled. He's so smiley. "How are you?"

"I'm good" I put my hand on my hips. "Thanks for coming, I really need the help" I chuckled.

"I'd be happy too" he held out a small package. "Where do I put this?"

I took it from him and smiled. "I'll put it over here. Can you bring all the kids inside for cake?"

"Yup" he clapped his hands and headed to the backyard. I heard him shouting as I put his gifts on the table with the others.

There was a line of children walking in the house and sitting at the table.

Kenny came up to me and stood beside me.

"Go sit down. I'm bringing the cake" he put his arms up like he wanted me to carry him.

"I can't carry you and bring the cake" I chuckled. "Go sit"

"I'll take the cake" Bradley said from behind me.

"Thank you" i smiled. Turning to Kenny I picked him up. "You got lucky, little man" He laughed and stuck his tongue out at me. I put him in his seat and we all sung happy birthday to him.

After cake, gifts and games for the kids, they all went home and I started to clean up while Kenny played with his toys.

"I've got to get leaving, V!" Jess yelled from the other room. "We've got to head to Fresno in the morning"

"Aw" I said walking toward them.

"I'm sorry to leave you with the mess"

"It's fine" I looked around. It really wasn't messy, just plates and cups everywhere. "Have a safe trip" I hugged them.

"Please come" Jasper whispered in my ear. I pursued my lips and nodded slowly.

"I can help you clean"

I turned around Bradley was standing behind me. "Oh no, it's fine"

"Don't be silly" he smirked and went to the kitchen.

I leaned against the wall and watched him as he looked for a garbage bag.

"There" I pointed to a cabinet.

He followed my directions and grabbed the bag out of the cabinet. "You did a really good job on the party" he said while throwing things away.

"Think so?"

"Yea Kenny was telling me about all the awesome things you do"

I laughed. "You're funny"

"I'm being honest, you deserve way more than what you're getting"

"I have everything I need. I can take care of myself" I said kindly.

"You're very independent" he stopped putting things in the trash bag and focused his eyes on me. "You isolate yourself, you and Kenny against the world and that's the way you like it" I nodded agreeing. "Why?"

"It's safer that way" I admitted. "Kenny and I can do anything we want, nothing can hold us back"

"Until Joshua Maxwell does" I looked at him and stayed silent. "Your mother-in-law told me"

She really does know how to run her mouth. I sighed and started putting away food.

"What are you going to do when he wants to be in Kenny's life?"

"That's a bridge I'm going to cross when I get there"

"Mommy" Kenny said walking in. "John didn't come"

I frowned and looked down at him. "He didn't, I'll give him a call later, Alright?"

He rubbed his face on my legs and held onto me. "You're sleepy" I chuckled. "Come on" I stared to pick him up.

"No!" He ran away and started playing with his toys again.

I laughed and continued helping Bradley cleaning the kitchen. "Who's John?" He asked.

"My friend"

"A boyfriend?"

I looked at him. "No way. Just friends since high school"

"Hmm" he hummed.

I hope Bradley's not interested in me. I'm not looking for any distractions right now. I just want to focus on Kenny and myself.

Kenny came back and looked at me "Mommy, call John" he whined.

"Alright, go get my phone, it's in my room"

He took off down the hall and I heard him running up the steps.

A couple seconds later he started running back down the steps. Handing me the phone, I dialed his number and gave it back to Kenny, he ran into the living room and played with his toys again.

"He's just a really good friend" I said bringing up John.

"Does he like you?" He asked.

"He has a girlfriend so I think not"

We finished cleaning the kitchen and Kenny was fast asleep on the floor in the living room. I guess he talked to John and knocked out on he spot.

"I wanna take you out tomorrow" Bradley started as he headed for the door.


"I'm not letting you say no" he stopped me before I could answer. Good thing he did because I would've flat out said no. "Let's do brunch"

"Breakfast lunch?" I smiled.

"Yes, what do you say?" He stepped onto the porch and was shorter than me. I looked down at him and thought of my answer.

"Okay" I said. "Just this once!"

"Got it" He smirked. "Pick you at eleven" he touched my elbow then headed to his old white, beat up truck.

His brother is freaking rich and so is he why doesn't he just get a new one? It looks sort of suspicious.

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