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"Our stock shares are falling. Not dangerously low but it's something we should consider taking care of right now" My employee Chad said.

I tapped my pencil on the table as he talked. "Ideas?" I asked.

"We could lower the prices of the stocks" my other employee, Samantha said.

"No. If we do that then we'll be practically giving away the company" Chad said. "We've got to find a solution that will keep us from going down under"

My phone rang. I glanced at the screen and it's my mother.

I sighed and wiped my face. "Alright, lets see where we we've been going wrong and-"

"Mr. Maxwell" someone called my name. I looked up and it was my assistant, Molly. "Victoria's calling, she is demanding that she speak with you" her thick Australian accent took over the room.

"Tell her I'm in a meeting and I'll call her later"

She breathed sharply and headed out of the room.

"Now" I started again. "Where were we?"

"Sir" I heard Molly's voice again.

"What is it!?" I yelled.

"She won't listen to me"

Sighing, I stand up and walk to my office.

"What do you want?" I barked into the phone.

"Babe, I've been trying to get in contact with you all day"

"Victoria, what did I tell you?"

"Not to bother you at work, blah, blah. I know but I need to know where we are having dinner for our anniversary"

I completely forgot about our three month anniversary. "It doesn't matter. Don't call me again"

"I'll make it up to you daddy" she giggled.

I rolled my eyes. "I've got to go"

"I love you"

"You too" I hung up the phone.

"Come on baby we're going to be late" I yelled down the hall. The little boy running towards me with his shirt half buttoned and his hat in his pants smiled at me.

"What are you doing, Ken!" I laughed. "Let mommy help you" I buttoned up his shirt the right way and placed his hat on his head. "Now you're ready, gimme kiss" I poked my lips out and he kissed them quickly while grabbing my face. He's just like his father.

I picked him up then grabbed my bag and my keys. Leaving our place we jump in the car and head to the store.

"What do you think John would like for his birthday?" I said while turning left.

"Umm, chocolate cake!" He squealed from the back seat.

"He already has a cake Kenny, we need to get him a gift"

"Spider-Man!" He put his hands in the air and kicked his feet like he was Spider-Man.

"Okay, babe, we'll get him Spider-Man" I chuckled.

We finally pulled up to the store and got out the car. We headed inside, I grabbed a cart and put Kenny in and headed to the card section. I read through a few of them until I found a funny and clever one, perfect for John.

When we got to the toy section Kenny almost freaked out when he saw how many Spider-Man toys were surrounding him.

"Mommy that one!" He pointed to a Spider-Man pillow.

I picked it up and handed it to him. He hugged it tight. "You know you can't keep this, it's for John" I said.

He looked sad and looked at the pillow. "How about we get two so I can have one and he can have one"

"So you can match with him?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Mmm yes" he smiled.

"I'll allow it" I grabbed another one and threw it in the cart. We made our way to the food section and I threw some fruits and veggies in the cart. As well as steak and rice.

"Mommy" Kenny tapped my arm.

"Yes baby" I looked at him.

"That man is looking at you" he pointed to something behind me. I turned around and my heart dropped as I looked into the eyes that bored deep into my soul.

I took a deep breath and watched as he slowly walked over to me. "How did you find me?" I quiet enough so Kenny couldn't hear.

"Jess" he said.

She really doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to take you back"

I shook my head. "Did he ask for me?"

"He still doesn't know, Jess thinks it's time"

"It's not up to her it's up to me"

"She's throwing a Christmas party in a few weeks and she wants you to come"

I sighed and looked away. "If you don't tell him, she will"


"It's been five years, Miss Valentina" I didn't say anything. "They'll be expecting you there"

He walked away from me and headed out the store. After all this time, now they want to tell Joshua.

After John's party, we came home and got ready for bed. We cuddled up, began to watch a movie and he was out like a light.

My phone buzzed next to me, telling me someone was calling.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Valentina!" Someone said my name excitedly. "It's Jess"

"Oh hi" I said not as enthusiastic.

"Nate told me he spoke with you"

"Yea" I sighed.

"It's time, sweetheart"

"I don't think Kenny is ready for that just yet"

"He is ready"

"How would you know? You haven't seen him since his birthday last year"

"You kept him from us"

"I didn't, I called you and texted you and tried to get you to come see him but you just ignored me. Jasper is the only one who actually comes by to see him"

She sighed. "I know and I'm sorry. It just felt wrong, Joshua's my son"

"And Kenny is mine. You don't understand how this will change things"

"It'll be a good change"

"It won't!" I said sharply. "I know it, Joshua will try to take him from me"

She didn't say anything for a while. "Kenny needs a father"

"He doesn't need a father and your son is not the fatherly kind"

"Kenny could change him"

"I've got to think about it" I said quickly. "I need to get Kenny ready for bed" I lied. I just want to get off the phone with her.

"Okay" she said quietly. "I don't want to pressure you but if you don't tell him, I will"

I rudely hung up the phone on her.

It took me a long time to recover from the damage Joshua caused and now he's back into my life just like that. He's going to ruin everything.

His Wife's HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now