Making Things Right

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*Valentina's hair and outfit*

The door bell rang and Kenny ran to me. "Mommy" he whispered.

"I know" I said as I walked to the door. He hid behind me as I opened the door.

I almost screamed when I saw who it was.

"Valentina" he said.

I looked at him and thought of what to say. "Hi" I whispered.

"I've got to speak with you, may I come in?" He said sternly.

"Yea" I moved out of the way and almost tripped over Kenny.

"Hi Kenny" he said to him. "Nice to see you again"

Kenny hid behind my legs and waved at Joshua.

"Go play" I said and pushed him away. He ran to his room.

"So you're with Bradley?"

"How did you find where I lived?" I asked.

"I asked my mother"

I'm surprised he told me the truth. He could've said 'I have my ways' or 'I had Nate follow you' but he didn't.

"What are you doing here?"

"You don't want Victoria around Kenny, I don't want Bradley around Kenny"

I looked at him with my mouth agape. "Are you serious? You're telling me who my son can't be around"

"I know you're not going to believe me but I need you too. Bradley is dangerous"

"Joshua!" I said loudly. "How is he dangerous?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen.

"He's a bad guy, worse than Micheal. I know you hate me but I need you to listen"

I sighed and sat down in the chair. "I don't hate you Joshua. It took me forever to move on from you, I finally found someone I can stand and you won't let me be happy how is that fair?"

"Look" He said frustrated. "I am trying to go by your rules but I can't help but worry about you every second you're with him" I looked at the ground and stayed quiet. "I wouldn't be saying this if it wasn't serious"

I scratched my head. I'm completely puzzled, why would he tell me that Bradley is dangerous and not be able to prove it? But why would he tell me at all if there wasn't some truth to it?

"What did he do?" I asked.

"He..." he paused. "Is just a bad guy"

"Right" I looked up at him. "Joshua, I think you should just worry about yourself and Victoria"

He scoffed and walked away from me angrily. "What?" I asked. "You guys are in love"

"Don't talk about her" he leaned on the sink.

"Why not?"

"It's just weird talking about her with you"

I sighed. "Then what else is there to say? I'm trying to be nice"

"Don't be nice to me, be mad at me!" He said sharply. "I did this to us, I destroyed us be angry with me. Hit me, yell at me more, do something. It breaks my heart because you're so nice!"

I felt my eyes begin to water and I tried to blink my tears away.

He sighed and looked away from me. "Christmas is coming up, can I be with my son?"

I gulped and took a deep breath. "Yes" I said quickly so I didn't change my mind.

"Does he know?"

I bit my lip. "No, but I will tell him"

"I want to be here when you do"


"So I can look him in the eye and face my mistakes. I'm going to make this right, Valentina"

"We will find a nice day to tell him just not right now, okay?" I asked. He nodded and wiped his face. "Did you go to Bradley's house, yesterday?" I asked.

Joshua looked at me and his brown eyes pulled me in, trapping me in his beauty and his pain.


"He said you did, why?"

"I had to talk to him"

"About what?"


"Business" I scoffed. "All you business men always say business. That could mean anything"

My phone rang from the living room and I went to get it. When I picked it up it was Bradley. "Hey, I'm five minutes away"

"Take your time. Are you sure you don't want to take my car? There's more space"

"We can do that"

"Alright" I chuckled. "See you soon" I hung up the phone.

"You have to leave" I said to Joshua. "We can tell Kenny next week"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm taking Kenny to the beach"

He looked at me then looked at his watch. "Okay good" He said quickly. "I'll talk to you later" he walked out the house and I began putting Kenny and my things into the car.

"Mommy!" He yelled from the steps.

"Yes" I turned closed the trunk.

"I want to bring this" he held up his big bouncy ball.

"That's too big" I squinted, the sun is out and it is hot today, which is surprising, since it's been pretty chilly.

I'm wearing a thick sweatshirt and leggings.

Bradley pulled up and parked his car in the driveway. "Hey" I smiled, opening the trunk again.

He smiled at me and put his things in the trunk, then closed it again.

"I'm going to change really quick" I said as we walked in the house. "I'll be back Kenny"

"Where you going?" He looked at me sad.

"I'm going to change. Stay with Bradley"

I walked into my room and shut the door, going into my closet I grabbed an off-the-shoulder white sweater and a pair of jeans. After I fluffed my frizzy hair I grabbed my white sneakers and headed out the door.

"I'm ready" I said looking for my purse.

"You look beautiful" Bradley said.

"Thank you" I smiled, grabbing my keys. "Are we all ready?"

"Yes Mommy" Kenny came to me and stuck his arms up.

I picked him up and walked out, locking the door behind me.

After I strapped Kenny into his car seat we were on the road and on it sat to the beach.

"Where are we gonna stay?" Bradley asked.

"I booked a hotel with a nice view of the beach"

"I can't wait to spend the week with you, V"

I bit my lip and smiled at him. "I can't either, just the three of us"

Despite what Joshua said I'm excited. I'm learning and being my own person, my son and I are happy and this is where I want to be right now. Happy.

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