Operation: Take Back

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I knocked on the door to Valentina's house but she didn't answer. I called her and texted her but nothing. Her car is here why is she not answering.

"Valentina!" I yelled at the door hoping she was on the other side.

I looked in the window and saw the lights on. I twisted the knob just out of curiosity and the door popped open.

The first thing I noticed was the coffee table. It was turned over and the rug was pushed in one corner of the living room.

"Valentina!" I yelled. I ran through the house calling her name but she didn't answer she's not here.

Bradley did this. This is what he meant, he was going to kidnap Valentina.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Nate's number. "Valentina's missing, call the police and over to her house now!"

"Yes sir" I hung up the phone and called John.

"Hello?" He asked.

"John, Valentina's missing"

"What? No I just saw her"


"Hours ago, she dropped off Kenny"

"I'm at her house and her car of here but she's gone, her place is a mess. Someone took her"

"Oh my God"

"I called the police and they're on their way"

"What should I do?" He asked frantically.

"Nothing just watch Kenny, okay?"


"I'll call you when I find out more" when I hung up I heard tires screech outside.

I run out and it's Nate. "Call the other bodyguards and tell them to track the ring"

"Already did sir"

I heard police sirens in the distance and they approached quickly. The police officer got out of the car and can towards me.

"What seems to be the problem here, sir?"

"My wife" I said walking toward him. "She's been kidnapped, I believe by Bradley Hawthorne"

"The Bradley Hawthorne as in Micheal Hawthorne's brother?" He looked over at his partner.

"Did I stutter?"

"Look sir, I know you're in distress but she hasn't been missing for more than twenty four hours, after that you can file a missing persons report at the police station" he began to walked away.

"Are you kidding me?"

He turned around slowly and gave me mean eyes. "No I am not kidding you"

"Sir" Nate said.

I looked at him. "Fine" I said through clenched teeth. He turned back around they got in the car driving off.

"Make sure that when this is over, he no longer has a job" I said to Nate. "We have to find her" I said walking into Valentina's house.

"Everything in time, sir"

"We have to find her now, where are Thomas and Marco?"

"They are tracking the location of the ring"

"We should go too"

Nate looked down at his phone. "They found the location"

I quickly looked at him. "Where?"

"Some forest a few hours away"

"Let's go" I made my way out the house and to the car.

"Wait we can just run in there and ask for her back, we have to handle this, sir"

"We can't be messy"

"We might have to be, we have to let him know that we aren't playing around"

I ran my hand through my hair and breathed sharply.

"We just need to let Thomas and Marco get there first and make sure she's safe, we need to stay back for a few days and plan this out"

"A few days?!" I nearly yelled. "You're fucking kidding me"

"It's the only way we can make sure they don't hurt her, we have to observe from a distance"

I can't believe I let this happen. Again. I can't believe Valentina is in serious danger again. I failed her and Kenny. I didn't keep them safe.

"It'll be alright, she's a tough cookie she always pulls through"

"What if this is it?" I asked. "Bradley is... the only person I can't defeat"

"You can't think like that"

"But it's the fucking truth, I did this to her again. If I would've just told her in the first place, none of this would've happened!" I yelled.

Nate's eyes travelled around the room. "We should go"

I wonder if he feels guilty, I don't want him too. Even though he convinced me to keep it a secret from Valentina it was my decision. I could've told her so that was on me.

If I hadn't been a complete and total asshole to her, she would've guided me through this, she would've been there for me and been strong for me on days when I just couldn't.

Five years lost and she may lose her life in the hands of a psycho. And because of me. I've also been a complete dick to Kenny. My son. I wouldn't blame him if he hated me.

"You should get some rest" Nate said as we left  Valentina's.

How on earth am I going to do that?

I picked up my phone and called Mark. He's the one who is supposed to wipe all of Bradley's hardware. So when I get Valentina back, he has nothing on us. No incriminating evidence. Nothing to put her in more danger.

"Did you wipe everything?" I asked sternly.

"Everything" He said. "It was pretty hard too, he encrypted a bunch of things but nothing I couldn't get in to"

"And you're sure you got all of it"

"Yes sir, everything's gone"

"Thank you" I hung up the phone and continued to my house.

All I know is that she better be okay, I'd die without her.

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