Part 2: Such Joy

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Harrison left you alone to go and greet Tom up on the veranda

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Harrison left you alone to go and greet Tom up on the veranda.  He realized you weren't going to budge any further, so you stayed behind, shielded from view by the marble statues of scantily clad angels.  They stood like sentinels amongst the groomed topiaries, overlooking the grounds.

Richard would never think to have such sculptures in your garden.  He thought them obscene and sacrilegious but you thought they were magnificent.  So powerful in their unwavering stone and yet their soft appearance had a calming effect on you.

You watched from afar.  Tom's eyes lit up when he saw Harrison, clapping him on the back and raising his glass to him in good cheer.  You brought your hand up against the cool marble and leaned in to try to catch some of their conversation, but it was no use.  The music was too raucous and so was the crowd.

Tom leaned in to listen to Harrison over the noise.  Whatever Harrison said made Tom throw his head back and roar with laughter.  You heard it tumble out of him above the murmurs and music.  That laugh that was always so infectious.  He seemed so happy.  How could he be so happy without you?  He said that you were the only thing in this whole world that gave him joy.

Another memory stirred: You perched on Tom as he laid beneath you, hands laced behind his head, looking up at you with a smile.  His face and ears were flushed from your lovemaking and beads of sweat still lingered all over his chest.

"My beautiful, vivacious Violet," he said, shaking his head at you.

You blushed at his stare and pulled the blanket up to cover your bare breasts in a moment of modesty.

"Aww, but now she's a shrinking Violet," Tom teased and pulled the sheet down from your clutching fist, exposing you once more.

You put your hands over your face and gave a little laugh.  Being completely naked with him was something new, but you found yourself getting bolder and more adventurous with every turn, though you still had much to learn.  Each time he bedded you, he encouraged you with those intense brown eyes.  They seemed like they wanted to consume your feminine form, like he was ravenous by the sight of you.  It made you feel like some siren that lured him from the sea.  Just a slip of skin and he always came willingly.

"Tom, you're embarrassing me," you said with a another giggle.

"Darling, I don't know why you should ever be embarrassed.  Looking at you is like gazing upon heaven.  I'm certain even the angels would be jealous of your beauty." he said then playfully wrestled you back into his arms.

"Only the warmth of your skin against mine can bring me such joy," he whispered before kissing you ardently and you surrendered to another sleepless night of passion...

"Such joy," you whispered to yourself, clinging to the sculpture, still watching them.  Your breathing became labored and your fingertips dug into the stone.

Harrison motioned towards you and Tom turned to look your way.  You gasped and hid yourself behind the statue.  You closed your eyes, exhaling.  Your heart thundered so loudly, it was deafening in your ears.  How will I ever be able to resist those eyes again, you ask yourself.

"Violet, what are you doing?" Richard's voice startled you.

Your eyes popped open and you saw his hulking frame in front of you.  His tie was loosened and his collar was unbuttoned, no doubt more from the gin than the summer air.

  "Who are you hiding from?" he asked with a frown, glancing around for any no good doers.

"I'm not hiding, silly," you said dismissively, "You're just heavy with the liquor."

Richard suddenly grabbed your elbow roughly and yanked you to him.  You gasped in pain.

"Don't patronize me, Violet," he barked at you.  His breath reeked and his eyes were foggy like marbles.

"I-I'm sorry, my love," you said trying to keep your voice calm.  You learned early on how to soothe the beast inside your fiancé.  It was a matter of submission and servitude with a dash of sex appeal.  It didn't always work, though and every failure left you battered.

"Let me go get you another cocktail, okay big fella?" you said, attempting to turn the tide in your favor.  You ran a finger down his cheek and prayed it was working.  The harsh lines along his brow started to smooth.

"Get one for yourself too," he smirked like he was doing you a favor.  His grip on you relaxed and you gently pried his fingers from your flesh.

You took a step away but he grabbed your chin to hold you in place.  He pulled you to him like a rag doll and kissed you sloppily.  You would just as soon kiss a hound for all the fervor behind it. His lips were cold and coarse and you stiffened waiting for him to finish.

"There's the lovebirds now!" you heard Harrison declare behind you.

Richard let go of you and your hand flew to wipe his foulness from your lips.

"Vi, Richard, I'd like you to meet Dutch!"

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