Wingless And Beautiful

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I walk into the changing room at the rink, my second home. Tanith and Charlie are out eating, I agreed to come with Tanith's guy friend to show him how to skate. I just want everything to go well. I change into a flowing skirt with spandex underneath it and a nice warm jacket that Charlie bought me when I turned 16 years old. I walk out to the benches and reluctantly lace up my skates. I would rather skate alone than with this guy. I could tell he didn't like me so why would he ask for my help? I guess sooner or later I will find out why he asked me and not Tanith. "Ah, the lovely Meryl Davis. How undyingly good it is to see you." He speaks in a thick sarcastic tone as he laces up his skates. "So, shall we?" I lead us to the ice, the funny thing is as soon as he steps on the ice he's skating like someone who's going to there first competition. "I thought you didn't know how to skate." I ask in a very neural tone. "Can you do a twizzle miss davis?" He asks completely ignoring my statement. For the sake of argument I do a few twizzle and on my last one something catches my foot and I fall to the ground. "Oh, was that my fault? Sorry Meryl. " he says kneeling to be face to face with me.

"You need to leave. You're ruining Charlie and Tanith's relationship. He's to busy skating with you that he only sees her at nights. Leave I don't care where you go. Back to Michigan far away from New York. I mean it leave." I start crying and he leave the rink. I slide myself into the corner of the rink and pull phone. "Tanith-- I need you-- rink --please." I say in breaths. Within 15 minutes Tanith is here at my side. "He told me I had to leave. That I'm ruining you guys. I needed to go back to Michigan anyways. I have a plan for tonight too. I just won't be coming back. " I say pleadingly.

"Meryl, no! You can't, not to Charlie. You guys are best friends you cannot be separated. He loves you Meryl. As more than a friend. That's why he's telling you to leave. Please don't leave. Your my best friend. Let Charlie break up with me I'm okay with that, as long as you stay." Tanith says with a tear strolling down her cheek.

"I'm sorry Tanith, I have to. Tell Charlie I love him too. And not to be mad at me. Don't you dare tell him where I am going. Please we will text me and you. All the time." I tell her as I stand up realizing it's 6 and my flight leaves soon. "Don't do this to Charlie." Tanith pleads. " I'm sorry Tanith." I give her a quick hug and silently skate off the ice and pack my stuff. I don't bother changing I just walk out into my car and drive to the airport.

Tanith's pov ..

Meryl says goodbye to me. Little does she know that I will tell Charlie where she is. I don't care they need each other. When Charlie needs to be told I will tell him. It may take time to find her in Michigan but we will. I won't let her slip from us that


So this is my meryl Charlie fanfic my Instagram is the same as this account I was told to put this on here for those away from Instagram :)

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