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I'm extensively conscious but my eyes aren't open, I'm retained under the blanket of my eyelids, sheltered from all the light from outside, all my other senses are on high alert.

I can feel the breeze gashing through the car window, running fervidly through my hair, blowing through my clothes, brushing roughly against my bare skin, making the hairs on body rise up.

I can hear the rushing wind from outside the open window and then, I can feel his presence beside me, breathing. Without even looking I can sense his chest rising and falling in sync with mine.

I force myself to open my eyes and stare at the open road from the passenger seat of my car, tall overgrown green trees rush and blur by. I see his fingers, gently tapping, well more like drumming against the worn out leather steering wheel.

"Good morning" he mutters, slightly audibly above the roar of the wind. His face glows dreamingly in the sunlight casting upon his face. His strong jawline and chiselled cheek bone striking in the sun.

His presence dominates me, making me almost nervous in my own car, I feel almost timid, shy to speak to him. I ransack my mind, thinking of something to say.

"How long was I out", I try to yawn insouciantly, stretching my still bones in the plush leather seat.

"Long enough for me to do some thinking" He faintly glances in my direction.
Before I can continue pounding him with numerous questions that race across and bewilder my mind, the car slows down, so much that it calls to my attention.

I look outside my window at our surroundings. The walls on almost every single building is worn out, the red bricks underneath the thin layers of paint jutting out, street graffiti splattered all over them, the streets are littered with rubbish and people dressed in very dull parkas and beanies. They all eye us from the corners of the street, from the shady alleys and the sidewalks as the car casually strolls deeper into the neighborhood.

I squirm uneasily in my seat and place my head on the dashboard. When the car finally stops we are in front of a clothing retail shop. My mouth feels raw and my stomach slowly churns.

"I know this isn't what you're used to, but it'll do" He says. I get my head of the dashboard, and stare at him.

"You don't know what I'm used to" I say a little bitterly and step out of the car and into the little shop. I feel a slight hint of bitterness begin to creep into me, agitation following in its wake.

The smell of cigarettes wafts through the air, with a light hint of whiskey and old clothes, I can't stop myself from wrinkling my nose as soon as I enter, the raggedy, worn out cashier stares at me from behind his counter and his large dark shades, I can tell his eyes are reading me, as if trying to figure out what my deal was. I had not looked in the mirror but I know I looked a wreak.

Nick on the other hand was dressed in just a plain brown ladies coat looking like a model who was given barely anything to wear. He doesn't even seem to mind that he is wearing just a ladies coat, he disappears into the men's section of the haphazard little shop.

I stare after him a little, half wondering how he was so immaculate and also wondering what was going to happen to my coat.

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