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We Humans need to suffer, it's how we know we are Alive because
All we really are is a compilation of damages and our pain is the only thing that defines us.

There is a void, an empty white void. I am standing on nothing. There is no sound, nothing to be seen just white. My instincts rush to panic, my veins awaits the thrashing of blood through them as fear clouds my very thoughts and feelings, but there is nothing, no increased heart rate, no faster beating heart, no rush of adrenalin from my adrenal gland.

For the first time in days, I am not afraid. I'm not scared.

I am at perfect peace.

"Hello' I call out. The sound of my voice echoes until the sound become inaudible. I cautiously take a step forward. My feet doesn't land on anything, I lose my footing , my arms flailing at my sides as I fall at an incredible speed towards nothing but white light. The air instantly becomes cold. My blood freezes.

"Nat, N-Natalie, wake up" my body jolts up and my eyes bursts open. Axel's brown eyes are fixated on me, with concern darkening his light honey eyes.

"Are you okay" he asks, offering me a glass of water. My hands are trembling and I can't reach out to hold the water. I just sit there, ogling at him in disbelief. His blonde golden hair dishevelled, his eyes fixed so purposely on me.

His hand rushes towards my face, I wince, in fear of his hand going straight through my face, of never feeling his touch again but his fingers softly brush against my cheeks, wiping away my tears. I inch my face against his hand and instinctively, he gently cups my face with his hands.

I never noticed the warmth that he always radiated, his eyes gives so much love and his hands always make me feel so safe.
"I just had a bad dream" I say finally. "About losing you."

A smile slowly spreads across his thin lips, causing his cheek bones to rise a little higher, dimples dotting the sides of his cheeks, a smile he so desperately tries to hold back.

"You had a bad dream about losing me, and you started crying?" He cocks his eyebrows at me. I try my best to roll my eyes, to try and assuage the mood but I can't, there is still a heaviness weighing down on my chest. I just lamely raise my hand to his face and brush my fingers against his face, the feel of his skin, warm under my cold fingers.

I slowly trace the thin line of his lips with my thumb, feeling his lips underneath my fingertips, feeling him, it makes me so much surer that he is alive and everything was just a dream, my muscles slowly begin to relax and the aching pain in my chest begins to dwindle down into nothingness.

I am lost in my reverie, when he opens his mouth and slowly yet very seductively bites my finger, lust slowly darkening his eyes.

I push myself up, wrapping my hands around his head. My fingers intertwine in his hair, I gently push his head downwards towards my face, and I bring my lips to his and gently brush our lips together.

He puts his hands behind my head as mine drops, he starts kissing me, slowly at first but then faster and more urgent , vigorously, a need to feel me. I roughly bite his lips and push him unto the bed.

He smiles as our lips crash together, fighting, playing, dancing. He sits up, helping me with my night dress then his lips make their way all over my naked body, caresses my neck, Sweetly nibbling on my collar, lapping at my stomach, every touch of his lips on my body ignites a fire in its place, making my body ache for more, my eyes automatically close, my body dwelling in pure ecstasy, I throw my head back and feel a moan escape from my lips. I-I... nothing. It suddenly stops. My eyes fly open.

Callaghan stands at the end of a pristine hallway with manicured doors lining up the walls. He starts walking towards me and then he is right next to me. I barely flinch.

"W-what's happening?" I cry suddenly alarmed.

"These are your memories with Axel, every single one of them" he explains. I stare in awe at the doors around us. My chest constricts feel the colour drain out of me, slowly and into my feet.

"Why are we walking through my memories" I question as fear begins to course through my veins.  "How is this going to help me, how is seeing how amazing Axel was going to help me!" I almost cry out.

"Dearie, I've been doing this for years, just trust me" he smiles.

"Trust you? I barely know, I-I"

"If there's anything you don't want me to see, we don't have to see it" He says like he just read my mind. My chest is still pounding and my body is trembling but I look at the long array of doors. I barely manage.  


I gently close the door behind me and throw my bag unto the sofa. I exhale immediately after and run my hand through my hair. I lost my job. The thought runs through my head. I close my eyes for a second, feeling tears almost escape. You could've kept your job if you just slept with Cecil.

Cecil Turner was a shitty boss, a misogynistic asshole who liked to slept around with his workers. He liked to believe he had the most important job in the world, telling others what to do, and he greatly enjoyed it. He enjoyed walking over people, trampling over their emotions and insecurities. The worst part about him was that he had an insatiable urge to taste everybody's cherry.

In many ways, he was a pig and he did nothing to hide it. I put up with for a year until he demanded I sleep with him. It wasn't even worth thinking about, there wasn't an option. I could never do that to Axel. We were in love, soon to be married...

Or so I thought
I slip my heels off and leave them clattered on the rug. I trudge my way to my bedroom door. I push the door open, ready to spill my dreadful day to Axel. I turn the switch on and that's when I feel it. The train that rums straight through my heart, knocking the air out of me.

A piercing pain in my chest that keeps  growing and growing, threating to make my heart explode until I can't but scream, Axel scrambles of or out of Sofia .she instantly pulls the bed cover up to cover her bosom. Axel sits on the bed, His whole face as red as a new born baby. Time slows to a crawl. Everything and everyone is unmoving. The air is still and too quiet. 

Nobody is sure of what to do. I stand there, unmoving, my chest is growing heavier, my lungs are filling up, air is barely rummaging through my lungs making it difficult to breath and the pain, the pain is becoming more and more unbearable.

I feel hot tears streaming down my face. Sofia stares down at the bed cover that's clothes her, her eyes unmoving. Axel sits by her side, naked, facing the wall, eyes away from me. A shudder shoots through my whole body.
Callaghan is by my side. Tears are already streaming down my face. He looks at the scene in front of us. "He hurt you, didn't he?" he says solemnly. My lips are still tightly shut.


My eyes slowly open to see Callaghan smiling meekly at me, Nick behind him in the background. He lets go of my hands and I take a second to look around. I feel dazed as my eyes wander around the dark tent.

"Good Night's rest is all she needs right now"

Callaghan gets up "she's been through quite a lot."

I get up, the whole world spins under my feet, I close my eyes and throw my hands out, trying to reach out for something to hold, and nausea bolts through my whole body. I find nothing to hold and my body slumps towards the ground when I feel strong arms around me.

Nick scopes me off the floor, my legs dangling over his arms as he carries me.
"Thank you Callaghan" the words echo through the air.

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It's like y'all just decide to ignore this last piece of info 😪😪😪

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