2. My Sweet Emaline

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Kate wasn't in the highest of spirits when she set off for school the following Monday. She hadn't talked to Luke since the incident at his house the Saturday before. She felt horrible, but she knew she had to do something. What, though? She didn't have a clue.
There was a small fire still lit in the back of her mind though, and as much as she wanted to immerse herself in that fire, she knew that things with Luke needed to be cleared. She craved Emaline so much it hurt. After Saturday night, every image of that girl in her mind made her heart flutter and leap. She was too scared to say the word "girlfriend" at this stage, but just the thought of it provided the fuel for every step.
The halls were as busy as ever, and there was no difference in her daily school routine. She went straight to her locker and began to pack her bag, when she saw McQuaid walking alone.
"McQuaid!" She called after him, but he didn't turn. He continued to walk away from her. She had to jog to catch up with him. "Hey, have you seen Luke?"
He faced her with a disgruntled expression. "No, I have not," he muttered.
"Are you okay?" Kate asked, noticing his continued piercing glare.
"I have biology," he declared, his face not changing one bit, before turning and striding away.
Kate blinked at him as he disappeared from view, a little confused by what had just happened. Before she could process this confusion, however, someone had grabbed her hand and she was being pulled into a classroom.
"Hey, sweetie," she heard. It was her favourite voice.
"My sweet Emaline," Kate breathed, turning to face her. Even in the darkened room Kate was swept away by her beautiful blue eyes.
Emaline bit her lip, before leaning to kiss her. Kate took her waist in her hands. She was still getting used to this.
After a minute, Emaline broke the kiss and grinned. "I thought about you a lot this weekend."
"So did I," Kate replied. She stroked Emaline's arm.
"What's the matter, love?" Emaline questioned gently.
"What?" Kate looked at her.
"I can tell something's on your mind. Are you alright?"
Emaline took both of Kate's hands and sat her down on the teacher's desk.
Kate sighed. "It's Luke again. Something happened. And it's my fault," she explained.
Emaline frowned. "How so?"
Kate hesitated. "It's Luke's dad. He's back. And it's because I took Luke to see him when we were in California. I was trying to help but now I think it's got out of hand."
"First of all, you're incredible," Emaline told her.
Kate was a little taken aback by the comment, but couldn't help but blush.
"You're such a great friend. That's a big thing to do for someone," Emaline said.
Kate wasn't sure how to respond to that. She opened her mouth but it collapsed into a large smile as she gazed at this stunning girl.
"I can't explain the way you take my breath away, Emaline," she finally uttered.
"Oh, Messner. You don't even know..."
The bella rang, and Kate glanced at her watch in disappointment.
"Want to meet for lunch?" Kate asked.
"Who else am I gonna eat my crappy cafeteria food with?" Emaline smirked.
Kate smiled, taking her hand again. "I'll see you then."
"I'm looking forward to it already. Hope things work out with Luke," Emaline said, pulling her back in.
Kate kissed her, her stomach flipping yet again, and left the room, extremely conscious that Emaline was still watching her. The thought lit her up.


Bit of a shorter one but Kemaline <3

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