13. Bad News

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"And it won them over. He actually stood up for me, and it worked!" Emaline told Kate across the phone. She sounded so excited.

"That's incredible, Emaline! So you're leading the club now?" Kate responded.

"Uh huh, and I'm gonna lead that shit ten times better than Oliver ever did," Emaline boasted.

Kate laughed. "You go girl!!"

"How was fifth? Anyone give you a lot of grief?" Emaline asked.

Kate fiddled with her pillow. "Well, not particularly. Although Leslie wouldn't sit with me. We've never not sat together since we started. I remember her saying she thought lesbians are disgusting, so I'm assuming that's why," she explained.

"Aw, honey. Hopefully she'll come around. And even if she doesn't she's not really a friend if she cares more about her shitty values than about you," Emaline said.

"True. Apart from that, though. I'm used to being outcast, so it's all good," Kate smiled.

"Don't worry, Kate. It will get better. I promise you," Emaline stated.

A gentle knock came from Kate's bedroom door, before it slowly opened and her father's head popped around.

"Kate, do you have a minute?" he asked, looking a little concerned about something.

"Sure, dad. Let me just finish my call. Em, I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Okay, see you Sweetie," Emaline chimed.

"Bye Emaline," Kate finished, before hanging up the phone. She swivelled around to face her father, who was now sitting down on her bed.

"Kate, I received a phone call this morning from Mrs Addario," he began.

Kate gulped. She had a feeling she knew where this was going.

"Emaline's parents are unhappy with you and her seeing each other. They made it clear that if I wouldn't separate you two, they'd pull Emaline out of Boring High," Ken explained, looking agitated about the situation.

Kate processed this information. She didn't even know what to say. "And what did tell them?"

"Well, as soon as they realised that the principal is also your father, they seemed pretty adamant down one route. I'm sorry, Kate. But this is out of my control. I tried to have a discussion on the matter but they wouldn't hear it," Ken told his daughter.

"So that's it? She's going?" Kate asked.

"It seems so. Nothing official has come through yet but I'd expect things will be in motion soon."

Kate was transfixed. An overwhelming sense of loss hit her in that second and she couldn't comprehend how she was feeling. Her relationship with Emaline was so new yet it was being cut short so soon. She didn't realise when her dad took her into his arms. She didn't even feel the tear rolling down her cheek. All she could picture in that moment was the image of her girlfriend. And she prayed that it was not an image that from now on would be limited to her.


Emaline hung up the phone and embraced the silence of her empty household. She enjoyed every moment she could get when her parents were away. They were due to return this evening. When exactly, she had no idea. But she knew she had to make the most of this time.

She felt her stomach rumble, and it occurred to her that she hadn't eaten since breakfast. She jumped up, grabbing several books from her bookshelf on her way past, and made her way down towards the kitchen.

She had some research to do. She had to make a decision on the next production for drama club. Did they try to resurrect Uncle Vanya, or did they go for something new?

Personally, she wanted to do some Shakespeare. She adored his plays. She had his complete works, three of which were now sat on the kitchen surface. Othello, A Midsummer Night's Dream, or The Tempest?

Just as she was about to turn on the hob to cook some pasta, she heard the front door open, and she couldn't help but sigh. They were home.

"Emaline. Living room. Now," her father ordered.

What today? Ever since they found out about Kate, the nagging had become unbearable.

She strolled into the living room, where her two parents were standing in front of the empty fireplace. She avoided their eyes and sat down on the sofa.

"You really play you cards well, don't you?" her mother began.

Emaline didn't even flinch. She was used to all sorts of allegations by now.

"The principal's daughter. You thought that would keep your affair safe?"

Emaline suddenly looked up.

"You wanted to do something controversial and you went for the one girl you thought would give you immunity," he father said, shaking his head.

Emaline felt her temper rising. This was out of order. She couldn't quite believe what her parents were accusing her of.

"Why are you so convinced that everything I do is to spite you? In case you hadn't noticed, I don't give a shit about what you think of me," Emaline spat.

Mr Addario chuckled. "Because you're not gay. Because ever since you were a child you've been an attention seeker," he stated.

"You're right. I'm not gay. I'm just in love with a girl who has treated me better than any boy ever has. And whether you like it or not. It's happening," Emaline said.

"I think not. You're transferring schools. We've talked to the principal and it's going ahead," Mrs Addario informed her.

"I'm what?" Emaline responded in outrage.

"In fact we're moving to San Francisco so we can be closer to your father's work," Mrs Addario smiled cunningly.

"San Fran..." Emaline muttered, overwhelmed by the information now reaching her brain. That was miles away. Too far to keep up a relationship with Kate, not that her parents would allow it anyway.

"I'm not going."

"We're moving as a family, Emaline. The decision has been made," Mrs Addario said boldly.

Emaline felt defeated. What could she do? She saw no way out. And it broke her heart.

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