5. Team Talk

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It had been a pretty dull day at school, all in all. Luke got out his keys from his pocket and put them in the lock, only to find that door was unlocked. He opened it and entered to find his mother sitting in the living room.
"Mom? I thought you were on a flight today?" Luke queried.
His mom shook her head. "I called in sick."
"Are you okay?"
"Luke, we need to talk about... everything that's happened recently." Sherry stated.
"I guess we do," Luke sighed, before dumping his bag and sitting down beside her.
"Your father-"
"Mom, I know a hell of a lot more about him than you think," Luke announced.
Sherry didn't look too unphased by this information. "Okay. Tell me what you know."
"There were tapes in the garage. I didn't take any notice of them for years until... well Kate pointed them out when she came over and for some reason that drew my attention to them. So I watched them, and part of me wanted to know this guy. He seemed kinda cool. Then, when we were in California, Kate took me to him. I went up to him, but he had no clue who I was. So I left. And then soon after he turned up at our door," Luke explained.
An eery silence fell between them, as Sherry processed the mass of information she had just been given.
"Can I see the tapes?" Sherry asked her son.
"Ah..." Luke recalled his frenzy when he ruined all the tapes in his bedroom. "You see, I got a little angry and they no longer exist."
"Luke..." He tried to defend himself but she only raised a hand. "My turn now." Luke obeyed.
"Your father is a complicated man. You have to understand that. He ran off chasing a dream that was more important to him than his own flesh and blood. However, it's been quite a few years since he left. And from what I figured, he's asking for another chance. It's a chance I think he should get."
Luke stared at his mother. "Like, you're going to get back together?"
"No. Of course not. I'm with Ken. That's not going to change. I meant with you," Sherry told him.
Luke sighed. He had an opportunity to finally get to know his father. Yet, for some reason, there was something holding him back.
"What else did he say?" Luke asked.
"Not much. He said he's happy to come and see you if he's wanted. And that I should let him know if he is. He told me a bit about how he's getting on. I guess his dream didn't work out for him, in the end. I reckon that's what's got him feeling sorry," Sherry said.
Luke contemplated this. "And you think he's worth a shot?"
"I just think he may have changed. It wouldn't hurt to find out if we begin with low expectations." She said honestly.
"I guess that's that then. But you have to promise me one thing," Luke demanded.
"And what would that be?"
"Do not let this ruin things with Mr Messner. I've seen you. You're far too happy with him for anything to get in the way," Luke told her.
He observed as his mother's face broke in a grin, her cheeks redening a little. She touselled his hair.
"Okay, little man. You've got yourself a deal."


Tyler spun in his chair out of boredom. He wanted to do something with his life. But what, he had no idea. He wasn't particularly good at anything and no one really thought much of him. Essentially, he was a nobody with dyslexia. It sucked.
"Tyler! Dinner!" He heard his dad calling, causing him to get up and make his way downstairs.
When he reached the dining table, only his father was seated.
"Where's mom?" Tyler queried.
"Probably shopping again. She shouldn't be too long," his dad responded.
Tyler nodded, before sitting down opposite his dad. It was normal for his mom to return home late. Although, he often pondered the possibilities of her whereabouts at these times.
"You okay? You've not been yourself lately," Tyler's dad commented, as he tucked into his pie.
Tyler shrugged. He wasn't really up for spilling his heart out.
"Hey, what's happened to my happy son? It's not like you to not crack a joke at dinner," his dad continued.
"I'm fine. There's literally nothing different. I'm just not feeling great, that's all," Tyler sighed.
He watched his dad's mouth move to respond, before the sound of the front door opening reached them.
"I'm home, boys! And you'll never guess what I bought!" Tyler heard his mother exclaim enthusiastically.
"Not another toaster," Tyler's dad groaned.
"Tyler, dear. There's a letter for you here. Your father must have forgotten to check the mail once again," his mum informed him.
"A letter?" Who'd be writing to him?
"Yep, here you go."
His mom handed him an envelope. He glanced down at it and saw that his whole name had been written along the front. He had a twinge of hope as he guessed who it might have been from.
"I'm not really hungry. I'm gonna go up," he mentioned carelessly, and before his parents could say anything else he was returning to his bedroom.
He tore open the envelope and began to read. It said:


You will not believe what New York is like! It's a stage actor's dream! Now, the reason I'm writing this letter is because I was not able to express myself properly when I left. It was ignorant of me, but then again, an artist needs to put everything on the line to become a success. However, I can't help but have a soft spot for you. I have faith that one day you will not be too different to myself, so I'd like to give you a word of advice. The old drama club that was for many years under my occupation is going to need a new leading man. You have what it takes. You need to believe in your own ability and then others will see it too. This is your first step, my friend. And then in not so long, you will join me in this extraordinary city.

Farewell from New York,

It took Tyler a considerable length of time to complete the letter but once he got the hint of what it was saying, he was more encouraged to keep going. Oliver remembered about him. He wanted him to join the drama club. This was crazy, but it was also his chance to be somebody. This was exactly how he would fulfil his role as the protoge.

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