9. In Her Shoes

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Emaline could feel her heart beating faster than it had in a long time. It was like de ja vu. Except last time, it was her hand writing those words on Kate's locker. It was a sickening feeling, knowing that she had done this to someone. To Kate, of all people. The girl she was now infatuated with. To think she had caused her to feel the way she did now made her stomach churn. 
"Emaline, don't look at it. Let's get out of here." Kate tugged on her sleeve, and it took her a while to comply. She let Kate pull her away from the scene, and was lost in her own emotions until she realised that they were back on the stage. 
"Hey," Kate placed a hand on her cheek, forcing Emaline to look into her brown eyes. "It's probably just some dork playing a joke. I'm sure no one knows," Kate reassured her.
"Kate, I'm really sorry..." Emaline said.
"What for? This isn't your fault," Kate stated.
"No, I mean, I'm sorry for defacing your locker all those weeks ago. I was a dick. I wasn't thinking about how you would feel. Now I know," Emaline apologized, giving up her fight against the tears that were now building in her eyes. 
"Water under the bridge. It's okay," Kate said, taking Emaline into a hug. 
The two embraced for a few minutes, saying nothing, until Emaline broke it and the two sat on the floor of the stage, facing each other. 
"What if someone does know?" Emaline queried, fidgeting with Kate's shoelace.
She saw Kate visibly swallow. "Then they know. I think the only way to go about it is to show them we don't care that they know," she said, sounding nervous.
Emaline nodded. "We can be bold. It'll mean I don't have to worry about trying to keep my hands off you in the corridors anymore," she chuckled.
"Except, when my dad's around," Kate laughed.
"Ooh, I'll be Prinicipal Messner's number one target. He'll be handing out detentions for groping his daughter," Emaline joked. 
Kate laughed, but it was short lived.
"Kate Messner, please report to the Principal's Office immediately," the tanoi blared. 
Her face straightened, and she glanced at Emaline. She had a feeling she knew what this would be about. 
"Please come with me," Kate begged.
"Absolutely, sweetie," Emaline responded. She took both of Kate's hands, and the two of them stood up. "It's going to be alright."
They slowly made their way to Mr Messner's office, sensing what was about to come. As they reached the office, Emaline heard Kate take a deep breath, before knocking on the door of her father's office.
"Come in," came Principal Messner's voice from inside. 
Kate opened the door and entered, with Emaline right behind her.
"Miss Addario, is it alright if I speak with Kate alone?" Mr Messner requested.
"Dad, I want her to stay. This is important," Kate demanded.
Mr Messner looked confused, as his eyes skipped from one girl to the other.
"Sure, darling. What is this about?" Mr Messner asked,
"You first. You called me in," Kate said, taking a seat.
"Okay... well, I was going to ask if you knew anything about the new piece of graffiti which has appeared, funnily enough, on Emaline's locker? But I have a feeling there's a correlation here," Mr Messner deduced.
"Dad, I want to tell you something before you hear it anywhere else. I was going to tell you last week, but there wasn't a right time," Kate explained.
"Okay, I'm listening," Mr Messner nodded, taking a seat. Emaline did the same. It took Kate a while for the words to come out, but Emaline's reassuring look gave her the courage to say it.
"Dad, I'm a lesbian," Kate declared. 
The room went eerily silent. Emaline observed Mr Messner as he took in the words which had just been said. He swallowed, looking rather uncomortable, before his face came to a look of peace.
"You know, Kate. I did wonder... Perhaps I should have been more open about it," Mr Messner admitted.
"Are you okay with it?" Kate asked, biting her lip.
"Okay with it? What is there not to be okay about? You're still Kate," Mr Messner smiled.
Emaline couldn't help but grin at the scene. She was slightly envious of the fact that her parents were not so accepting, but at the same time she couldn't be happier for her girl. 
"Then, I guess there's just one more thing to do..." Kate said, turning her head to Emaline.
Emaline smiled back, and then gave a suggestive look towards Mr Messner.
"You two are...?" He asked.
When they did nothing but smile, his suspicion was confirmed.
"Well I never. Who'd have thought... Kate this is great," Mr Messner smiled. He seemed lost for words.
Kate held her hand open on the arm of Emaline's chair, and she took it. She held it tight. This was a big moment for Kate and she couldn't be happier to be part of it.
"Now, we need to discuss the problem of your locker, Emaline. Any idea who might have done it?" Mr Messner inquired.
"No, sir. We haven't told anyone," Emaline told him.
Mr Messner nodded. "Okay, well we are going to find out. And then the culprit will be punished. As of today, I have a zero tolerance policy for homophobic behaviour and I will be making that very clear tomorrow morning," Mr Messner announced.
"Go Principal Messner!" Emaline cheered. Kate laughed.
"Thanks, Dad." She gushed.
"No problem, love. I'm not going to let anyone give my daughter and her girlfriend a hard time."

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