Sins Of The Refuge

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Rose's POV

The next day, I went through my daily routine of making breakfast for Snyder, but making sure there was enough leftovers to feed the boys, cleaning Snyder's office and sneakingly cleaning the boys' rooms, and washing Snyder's clothes and sneaking in a few of the boys' shirts.

"ROSE!!!" I jumped as my name echoed of the Refuge walls. "Rose!! Where is he?"

Oh no. He knows. He knows that boy escaped.

I took a deep breath as I walked out of the laundry room and headed towards a screaming Snyder. "Yes, sir?"

When he turned around, his face was red and it looked like he was seconds away from steam coming out of his ears. "Rose," he elongated my name as he tried to calm himself down. "Where is he? I know you know where he is."

"Where who is, sir?" I took a step back when I saw his fists tightened.

"Rose, don't act all innocent. Kelly. Where is he?"

"Honestly, sir, I. . . I don't know where that newsboy is."

"Well, I'll tell you where he isn't. MY REFUGE!" I gasped when his hand struck my cheek. I fell to the ground and grasped my cheek as tears welled up in my eyes. "You let him go! Didn't you? Admit it! You let Jack Kelly go!"

"No!" I stuttered. "I didn't. . . He. . . I'm sorry, sir. There was nothing. . ." I called out when he kicked my ribs. I bit my lip when he leaned down and sneered in my face.

"Come with me," he said as he roughly grabbed my arm and forced me to stand up.

I bit my tongue so hard I could taste blood as he dragged me up the stairs. I panicked when I realized where he was taking me- the attic.

He was going to lock me in the attic.

I knew fighting back was useless so I let him drag me up the stairs. "Snyder. . . Please." I cried as he opened the attic door and threw me inside. I gasped in pain as I landed on my shoulder. I watched in pain as he slammed the door shut. I laid down as I heard him lock the door.


I gasped awake when I heard the door open. I looked up to see Oscar and Morris Delancy smirking at me. "Someone call a doctor, I'm seeing double of the amount of stupidity."

"I would be careful what you say around us," Morris smirked.

I gasped in pain as I stood up. "Why? That takes out the only fun thing of talking to you."

I regretted opening my mouth as the boys walked into the room, slamming the door behind them. I slid back against the wall, trying to get as far away as possible. "What. . . Really, what are you two doing here?"

"Snyder told us you have been helping boys escape." Morris said as he cracked his knuckles.

"He also told us the last boy you helped escape was non-other than that Jack Kelly." As Oliver said the name he sneered like it was the worse thing he could ever say. I gasped when he grabbed my shoulders, making me stand up.

"What. . . Why do you hate him so much?"

"That is none of your business, little Missy." I gasped in pain as Oscar punched me in the stomach.

My head spun after Morris decided it would be fun to punch me in the face. I collapsed instantly and was so delirious, I couldn't feel anything else the boys were doing to me.

All I could think about was how I should've run down the fire escape with Jack Kelly.

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