Our Turn To Help You

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Davey's POV

I was walking home after a long day of selling papes. . . Papers. . . Newspapers. . .

Wow. I've been spending too much time with Jack.

I stopped walking when I thought I heard someone crying. I looked around, trying to find the source. My eyes widened when I saw a young woman lying in the alley between Medda's theater and a fancy restaurant.

I started walking towards her but froze when I noticed who it was. "Rose!" I ran into the alley and knelt in front to her. "Rose?" I said shakily. "Can you hear me?"

"Davey?" She said so softly my heart broke instantly. She tried to sit up but collapsed.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here. Everything is going to be okay, but I need you to wrap your arms around my neck. Can you do that?" I asked as I helped her sit up. She nodded as she slowly wrapped her arms around me. I carefully took her in my arms as I stood up.

"Davey?" She asked making me look down at her.

"Yes, Rose?"

"Wasn't it light outside a few minutes ago?" My heart sank as I looked down to see the innocent look on her face. Instead of answering I continued to walk down the street.

I picked up my pace, wanting to get her to Jack as soon as possible. "Where are we going?" She asked softly.

"I'm taking you to Jack." I said simply. I looked down to see a smile slowly form on her lips.

When we got to the News Boy Lodge, I kicked the door open making everyone jump. "Davey? What's wrong. . ." Crutchie froze when he saw who was in my arms. "Rose?" His voice broke.

"Crutchie, where's Jack?" I asked quickly.

"He's. . . His penthouse," Crutchie stuttered.

I nodded as I carried Rose over to the closest bed. "Romeo, go get him." I said over my shoulder as I gently laid her down. Romeo nodded as he headed out onto the fire escape.

"Jack!!" We heard Romeo yell.

"What?" Jack yelled back.

"It's. . . Well. . ." Romeo stuttered.

"What? Romeo, spit it out."

"It's Rose. She's hurt."

"What?!" The next thing we heard was pounding footsteps, running down the fire escape. "Where is she?" He yelled as he climbed through the window.

"Over here," I said, catching his attention.

Rose's POV

I opened my eyes when I heard Jack. I turned my head to see him running towards me. I smiled when he knelt in front of me and gently pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Rose? Can you hear me?" Jack asked softly.

"Jack," I smiled. I looked around at all the Newsies looking at me with scared expressions on their faces.

Jack looked behind him and sighed. "Boys," Jack said clearing his throat. "I need towels, water, bandages, and any medicine you can find."

I watched as they frantically ran around, trying to find the items Jack had listed off. "I'm sorry," I said as I turned my attention back to Jack. "I'm so sorry, Jack. I don't want to be. . . I don't mean to be any trouble."

Jack reached forward and gently brushing the same piece of hair behind my ear, silently shushing me. "It's no trouble, Rose. How many boys at the Refuge have you protected? How many of us have you helped? Now it's our turn to help you."

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